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Check Out This Picture Of The Starting Quarterback In Super Bowl 1 Smoking A Cigarette During Halftime...

Check Out This Picture Of The Starting Quarterback In Super Bowl 1 Smoking A Cigarette During Halftime...

Bill Weir of CNN just tweeted this extraordinary photograph of Len Dawson, the quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs, during halftime of Super Bowl 1 in 1967 (See the original photo here).

A few things to notice:

First, Dawson looks like a skinny little shrimp compared to today's players. Look at those legs. They look like toothpicks.

Second, he appears to be drinking a Fresca. A Fresca!

Third, he's smoking a cigarette.

Dawson's lack of strength and diet may have caught up with him in the game. The Chiefs got demolished, 35-10, by the Green Bay Packers.

