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Check Out The Tiny Digital Cameras That Are Changing The World

Nov 11, 2013, 17:26 IST

On Sunday '60 Minutes' detailed the video revolution brought about by GoPro cameras, which allow a person to record video anywhere.


GoPro CEO Nick Woodman told Anderson Cooper on '60 Minutes' that the world's best-selling camera was created so that surfers could record themselves looking good on the waves but became a necessity for people who wanted footage of themselves.

"Before GoPro, if you want to have any video of yourself doing anything, you not only needed another human being and if you wanted to the footage to be good, then you needed that other human being to have skill with he camera," Woodman said. "The result was that most people never had any footage of themselves doing anything."

It has become the camera of choice of adventurists, actions athletes, and home video aficionados all over the world. And no wonder, given some of these shots:








Woodman goes on to talk about his first failed venture - a tech startup called FunBug.com - as well as the moment he realized that GoPro needed "to go from a wrist-camera company to being an everything camera company."

Check out the report:

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