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Check Out The Ridiculously Low Salaries That Young Tech CEOs Are Paying Themselves

Jillian D'Onfro   

Check Out The Ridiculously Low Salaries That Young Tech CEOs Are Paying Themselves
Careers1 min read

peter thiel

REUTERS/ Fred Prouser

Peter Thiel

We often picture the stereotypical startup CEO awash in cash in their fancy apartment in Silicon Valley. After all, when you're a startup founder, you're responsible for setting your own salary. But in 2008, VC Peter Thiel said that the best predictor of a startup's success is low pay for the CEO.

Turns out, more CEOs might be heeding Thiel's advice than we would have thought, according to a bunch of data from benchmarking company Compass provided to The Next Web.

In Silicon Valley, 75% of founders pay themselves less than $75,000 per year and 66% pay themselves less than $50,000 per year, according to the data. Salaries also relate to the current monthly revenue of the startups: The less revenue a startup makes per month, the less founders are paying themselves.

It also relates to the ages of founder. Founders who are 20 or younger pay themselves about $35,000, while founders between 41 and 50 give themselves around a $60,500 salary. The 2012 median household income in the US was $51,000, so those young CEOs are keeping their budgets tight.

The data also showed that serial entrepreneurs pay themselves significantly more than first-timers. Founders on their first startup make about $42,000, while founders with two previous startups behind them give themselves around $57,000. CEO salaries rarely hit more than $50,000 a year until there are more than ten people on payroll.

For several interesting charts on this data, check out The Next Web.


