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CHART: This Is How Much Money Players Lose When They Fall In The NFL Draft

May 6, 2014, 01:48 IST

With the NFL draft just days away, teams, agents, and players are starting to jockey for position to be one of the top picks in the draft and cash in with a lucrative contract. These games are immensely important because if a player slips in the draft, they stand to lose millions.


Last year's top pick, Eric Fisher, signed a contract worth up to $22.2 million while the 16th pick in the draft received a deal worth just $8.9 million.

Things really drop in the second round, where the average contract is worth about $4.3 million, but with only about half of that ($2.2 million) guaranteed. The value of third-round contracts drops to $2.9 million but takes an even bigger hit in guaranteed value, with the average contract worth just $606,000 in guaranteed money.


Data via Spotrac.com


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