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CHART: Despite No Wins, Tiger Woods Was The Sixth Best Golfer At This Year's Majors

Aug 12, 2013, 23:44 IST

Only 13 golfers were still standing in the final round off all four majors this year with Adam Scott and Jason Day posting the best overall scores, and Tiger Woods not far behind.


In all, 291 golfers played in a major golf championship this year. Of those golfers, only 163 made the cut during at least one major and only 60 played in all four majors.

From that group, only 13 made the cut at all four majors in 2013. Jason Day and Adam Scott led the way posting a combined score of 2-over par in their 16 rounds at the majors this year. Woods was sixth (+14) and Phil Mickelson ninth (+21).

Woods wasn't able to get over the hump and struggled on the weekends. But he is still one of the best golfers in the world and it would seem that winning another major is inevitable...

Data via ESPN.com


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