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CHART: A Lot Of People Picked The Same Four Teams To Reach The Final Four

Mar 21, 2014, 01:56 IST

Now that the NCAA Tournament is underway we can take a look at which teams were the most popular picks to reach the Final Four.


Using data from Yahoo.com's "College Basketball Tourney Pick'em" game, we can see that the Florida Gators are the overwhelming favorite, appearing in the Final Four of 49.3% of the brackets. But they are not alone.

Fellow 1-seed Arizona, as well as two 4-seeds, Michigan State and Louisville, all appear in the Final Fours of at least 22.6% brackets. That's twice as much as the fifth most popular team, Duke. In all, only 16 teams appear in the Final Four of at least 1% of the brackets (seed in parentheses).


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