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CUCET result 2019: The results declared today, check score @cucetexam.in, curaj.nic.in

Jun 21, 2019, 13:50 IST

The Central Universities Common Entrance Test result 2019 is expected to be declared today i.e. 21 June 2019. The CUCET 2019 result will be available on the official website cucetexam.in. Alternatively, the result will also be updated on curaj.nic.in.

The answer key for the preliminary test was released last month. The CUCET 2019 was conducted by the Central University of Rajasthan on 25 May and 26 May 2019.

The result can also be accessed on the websites of the participating universities of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat, Haryana, Jammu, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kashmir, Kerala, Mahatma Gandhi (Bihar), Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, South Bihar and Dr B R Ambedkar School of Economics.

Here’s how you can check the CUCET 2019 result:

  • Visit the official website cucetexam.in
  • Click on the link that says “CUCET Result 2019”
  • On the login page, register with your credentials.
  • The 2019 CUCET Result will be displayed. You can download it for future reference.
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