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Cars Drop From A Plane In First Action-Packed 'Fast & Furious 7' Trailer

Nov 2, 2014, 02:15 IST

The first trailer for "Fast & Furious 7," titled "Furious 7," is here!


Cast members Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Tyreese, Ludacris, Jordana Brewster, and Jason Statham premiered the trailer at a fan event hosted by E! in Los Angeles and it's full of fast cars dodging bullets and skydiving from a plane (why not?).

Statham will join the "Fast and Furious" franchise as the antagonist of the next film. Kurt Russell will also star while Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson will reprise his role from the last movie. The seventh installment will be the final onscreen appearance of Paul Walker who was killed in a car accident last November.

"Fast & Furious 6" made over $788 million worldwide. "Furious 7" will be in theaters April 3, 2015.


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