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11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

Changing your head position quickly

Moving your head rapidly when someone asks you a question indicates that you have something to hide, FBI consultant and body language expert Dr. Lillian Glass writes in her book "The Body Language of Liars."

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

Covering your mouth

This could indicate you're reluctant to answer a certain question, according to a LinkedIn post by investigative services provider Empire Investigations.

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

Being very still

If you come across as super stiff, that might look odd to the interviewer. Liars tend to overcompensate for their discomfort by being unusually still, according to an excerpt from "Warning Signs" by Anthony DeLorenzo and Dawn Ricci posted on

Try to loosen up, like you would in a normal conversation.

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

Pointing when you talk

This defensive gesture can be perceived as rude and might also make your job interviewer feel like you're trying to deflect and avert suspicion, Glass previously told Business Insider.

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

Covering vulnerable body parts

Do you tend to move hands to your neck, throat, or chest while talking to people? If so, cut that out. It's a defensive mechanism that indicates you're feeling vulnerable, Glass writes in her book. It also might make it look like you have something to hide in your job interview.

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

Making too much or not enough eye contact

Bad liars tend to avoid too much eye contact. More experienced liars might overcompensate and stare with confidence, according to The Daily Mail's article on a University of Michigan study. Try to maintain normal eye contact during your job interview.

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

Having microexpressions

Maria Konnikova, author of "The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It ... Every Time," previously told Business Insider that microexpressions are slight, hard-to-catch expressions that last only a fraction of as second. If your interviewer is quick enough to catch any negative microexpressions from you, they may start to wonder.

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

Having a fake smile

One of my favorite literary clichés ("his smile didn't reach his eyes" and other variations of the phrase) is actually quite relevant to the issue of coming across well in job interviews. If your interviewer sees that your eye muscles don't match your smile, they might catch onto your faking, as psychologist Erin Heerey told NBC.

Take it from Tyra Banks and learn to smile with your eyes too.

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

Putting an actual barrier between yourself and the interviewer

You put up your menu or purse on the table, in between you and your interviewer. By building an actual physical barrier, however small, you're distancing yourself from the person you're talking to, according to TED Talk speaker and author of "Liespotting: Proven Techniques to Detect Deception" Pamela Meyer. Your interviewer might see this as somewhat sketchy.

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

11 body language mistakes that will make you seem dishonest in a job interview

Taking shallow breaths

Heavy, shallow breathing is a sign that someone's lying to you, Glass previously told Business Insider. You may be nervous about your interview, but try to keep your breathing calm and even.

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