Indian women’s participation in the labour force fell by 10 percent in the past 15 years

Mar 8, 2022

By: Vaamanaa Sethi

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A latest report called ‘No Woman Left Behind’ by TeamLease reveals that the percentage of women...

...participating in the labour force market fell by 10 percent in the past 15 years in India.

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In India, four out of five women in India are not working, says the report.

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The report says, “The women labour force participation rate (LFPR) in India had been...

...low historically and has seen a sharp decline in the trends.”

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According to the report, one of the primary reasons for the low rate of women at... is the high participation in domestic duties or unpaid work.

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To support the statement, the Economic Survey 2018-19 also says that the rate of women...

...engaged in domestic duties is as high as 55.7 percent in rural areas and 59.1 percent in urban areas.

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Also, women in India spend a lot more time on unpaid work as compared to other...

...countries like the United States, United Kingdom, South Africa and China.

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Himachal Pradesh has the highest women labour force participation rate in the... at 65 percent, according to the TeamLease report.

Credit: Canva

Meanwhile, Bihar has the lowest women labour force participation rate at 10 percent.

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The report further revealed a surprising fact that the women participation... the labour force in urban areas is lower than rural areas.

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Women face a much higher unemployment rate at 17 percent compared to 6 percent for men.

Credit: Canva

Women hold only 17.1 percent of the boardroom seats in Indian companies