India may witness 'The Great Resignation' at the highest level this year among South Asian countries

Feb 23, 2022

By: Vaamanaa Sethi

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The term ‘Great Resignation’ has been in the limelight since...

...the starting of COVID-19 pandemic, all over the world.

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What is Great Resignation?

According to the World Economic Forum, the Great Resignation is a phenomenon that describes the record number of people leaving their jobs after the COVID-19 pandemic ends.

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4 in 10 workers in India could switch jobs this year

According to a Qualtrics study, which was carried out between August and December 2021, and includes 1,024 respondents 18 years of age or older employed full-time across a range of industries in India, revealed that 40 percent of the workers in the country would switch jobs this year.

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India tops the list

The study further says that the figure of people switching jobs this year would be higher in India as compared to other South Asian countries.

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On the contrary, 62 percent of the Indian workforce also plans to stay...

...with their current employer for the next 12 months, according to the study.

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According to the report, the only way to increase this percentage...

...for the employers is to keep these factors in mind — employee wellbeing, creating a culture of belonging, and ensuring employees feel like their career goals can be met.

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Also, India reported the highest level of engagement with 85 percent and wellbeing at work with 89 percent.

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In order to retain talent in the competitive job market, the employers need to...

...prioritising the improvement of employee experience, says the report.

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The problem would not be solved even if offices are open again full-time.

60 percent of the workforce would look for a new job if forced back to the office full-time, says the report.

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Indian freelancers are earning more than their counterparts in other countries