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How a startup that's been fully remote since 2015 uses 'virtual buddies' to onboard new hires — and help them deal with the isolation of work-from-home life

Mr. Tatyana Bellamy Walker   

How a startup that's been fully remote since 2015 uses 'virtual buddies' to onboard new hires — and help them deal with the isolation of work-from-home life

  • More companies are operating remotely than ever before. This includes onboarding new hires from their homes.
  • Nicole Miller, a people operation manager for the social-media-management firm Buffer, told Business Insider that the company uses a special buddy system for a smoother onboarding process within a new hire's first 90 days.
  • These are the three types of virtual peer buddies that Buffer uses, and how companies can adapt the system for a more efficient remote onboarding process.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

As more workers a working from home these days, managers may struggle with onboarding their new hires.

The first few days for a new hire is critical in shaping their perception of the company. While welcoming employees in the middle of the remote workforce can be difficult, there are tools you can use for a more effective transition.

That's according to Nicole Miller, a people operation manager at the social-media-management firm Buffer. Since 2015, Buffer has been a fully remote company with over 80 teammates across the globe. Miller told Business Insider the organization uses a "virtual buddy" system to help build relationships among teammates within a new hire's first 90 days.

"Onboarding is your first real chance to make sure that your employee is set up for success," Miller said. "We find that those first six weeks especially are absolutely critical for your employees to feel welcomed and informed, to know what their measures of success are going forward, and also for them to hit the ground running."

Buffer's buddy system uses either a person within that team or a person from a separate department to mentor the new hire. Employees are first assigned "culture" and "role" buddies, then after 90 days, they transition to a "mastermind" buddy, a person who shares similar interests and experiences. Through this guidance, the new employee has a network of people that can offer them advice in the role, and can also help them communicate concerns.

Experts say this type of one-on-one guidance is crucial to succeeding and thriving within a new company, especially with remote workers who don't get the usual face time with managers as office employees. And as more remote workers struggle with isolation in the age of coronavirus, having a workplace "best friend" may actually help them cope with feelings of loneliness. Annie McKee, a happiness expert and author of "How to Be Happy at Work," previously told Business Insider that having friends in a workspace is vital for boosting success and feeling fulfilled on the job.

Many organizations, however, may struggle to find the right team-building strategy.

A few years ago, Buffer transitioned from a 45-day "boot camp/probationary" period to a 90-day "onboarding" period. Before the switch, newcomers felt a lot of pressure to prove themselves on the job. As a result, new hires felt more insecure in their positions, according to a Buffer blog post.

The virtual buddies were introduced during this onboarding shift. Miller said they decided to go with multiple buddies because it was important the employee learn new perspectives. Also, this allowed coworkers to share mentoring responsibilities without it becoming overwhelming.

And while the system has worked for Buffer's virtual teams, Miller said companies that adopt this process during a shift to remote work can easily transfer it back to their offices when those reopen.

"Having someone dedicated to checking in on a new hire builds a stronger support system," Miller said. "When things go back to normal and there's an in-office routine, you still have that intentionality and leadership built into those titles." She added, "It gives an opportunity for peer mentorship and a different sort of connection than around the conference table or by meeting someone in the hallway of an office."

Here are three types of buddies you can use in the workplace for a smoother onboarding process, according to the people's operation manager at Buffer.

1. Role buddy

New hires at Buffer receive a "role buddy," or a workplace peer who can walk them through their job's expectations.

Employing a workplace buddy system allows for immediate feedback while encouraging a new hire to ask more questions. Through building camaraderie among remote teams, new hires feel more confident, supported, and less alone in the workplace as a result, she said.

"It can be really easy to feel disconnected or feel isolated," Miller said. "Having someone that they know that they go to and turn to for any random question is really helpful."

These buddies often are employees that are looking for a stepping stone for gaining leadership experience, Miller said.

During the new hire's first month, they will have a weekly video chat with their role buddy. Then, the chats become more spread out during the program. To become a role buddy, you have to be recommended by the manager, have tenure in the role, and live in a similar time zone.

2. Culture buddy

Another critical tool for remote success is using a "culture buddy," a peer who can help you learn more about the history of a company as well as ease the teammate into the company culture. For example, Miller said this buddy can discuss fun group-chat channels or offer support if they're struggling in the workplace.

There are about 12 to 15 culture buddies at Buffer. The culture buddies not only have tenure in their position, but they also receive mentorship training. In this curriculum, culture buddies are taught how to offer constructive feedback to new hires.

3. Mastermind buddy

After 90 days on the team, the company transitions the new hire to a "mastermind buddy," a peer who shares a similar journey and common interests. Buffer launched this program in response to their 2019 State of Remote Work Report, which revealed that loneliness was the second most common problem among remote workers.

Mastermind buddies share their personal stories such as schooling, childhood, hobbies, and how they came to Buffer. These buddies meet for about an hour on a bi-weekly basis, according to a 2019 blog post in Buffer. Also, mastermind buddies help the new hire form a deeper connection with a peer outside of their immediate support circle.

During the first three months of the program, more than half of the teammates at Buffer met with their mastermind buddy, according to a screenshot of an employee survey in a blog post. Miller credits this buddy system to helping remote employees learn the ropes while fostering a sense of belonging on their new team.

"Having that sort of work best friend is really essential," she said. "Especially with being remote, it takes extra intention and attention to ensure people are staying on track and not feeling lost."

Read the original article on Business Insider


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