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3 freelancers who make 6 figures reveal exactly how they grew their earnings in 2019, and how they plan to continue to push their income skyward in 2020

Mary Kearl   

3 freelancers who make 6 figures reveal exactly how they grew their earnings in 2019, and how they plan to continue to push their income skyward in 2020
millennial working freelance


2019 was a big year for these three freelancers, who upped their incomes all on their own.

  • One in three adults in the US is a freelancer, according to recent research.
  • Freelancers earn as much as 17% more than typical full-time employees.
  • Learn how three six-figure freelancers grew their income in 2019 by working their networks, sending out letters of interest, and switching from hourly rates to project rates.
  • Click here for more BI Prime stories.

Freelancing for a living can be equal parts thrilling and intimidating - but it's also increasingly the norm. These days, as many as one in three adults in the US is a freelancer, based on 2018 data from the freelancing platform Upwork. While younger workers - ages 18 to 34 - are more likely to be contract workers, more baby boomers are turning to freelancing in the transition to and during retirement, and as many as 30% of adults ages 55 and up are a part of this flexible workforce, Business Insider previously reported.

There's another surprising upside: Freelancers as a whole earn as much as 17% more than typical full-time employees, MONEY reported in 2017. (In fact, we've put together a whole guide on how to earn more as a freelancer than as a full-time employee.) Independent artists, writers, and performers earn an impressive mean annual wage of over $104,000, according to 2018 data by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Compare that to those who work for newspapers, periodicals, and publishers, who earn $59,290 on average, the BLS noted.

For real-world advice on how to transition to freelancing and grow your income over time, Business Insider contacted these three six-figure freelancers to learn how they increased their business in 2019.

Katherine Gustafson, founder of All the Freelance Women, quadrupled her last full-time salary

Gustafson, who has been freelancing for over 10 years, specializing in content marketing, ghostwriting, and grant writing for clients such as Adobe, Shopify, Intuit, Forbes, HuffPost, UNICEF, and more, achieved her highest-earning year in 2019 while still maintaining a schedule that allowed her the flexibility to spend time with her child and husband.

Katherine Gustafson, founder of All the Freelance Women

Katherine Gustafson

Katherine Gustafson.

After working full time for five years at around 35 to 40 hours a week, she transitioned to full-time freelancing, keeping the same amount of hours per week - she just traded the typical 9-to-5 hours to work early mornings, late nights, and weekends as best fits her lifestyle.

She's found some of her most lucrative freelance projects working for tech, finance, and business companies, and even "surprisingly," she noted, large international NGOs. Another breakthrough, she said, was realizing that the "No. 1 best way to strategically make the opportunities you find pay more" is by charging flat rates, as opposed to hourly rates.

For instance, for one client she found she was very efficient at producing reports, and, at her set rate of $125 an hour, she could produce a six-page report in three hours and earn $375. For the next client she brought on, she decided to charge a flat rate of $625 for a similar project and effectively increased her hourly rate to $208 an hour without having to ask for that rate of pay, which she recognizes that clients may be less willing to pay outright.

On top of that, she suggested freelancers should switch from an "employee mindset" to that of a CEO. That means instead of looking for work via job listings or on freelancing platforms like Upwork, she recommended freelancers be proactive by "reaching out to old contacts, optimizing your LinkedIn profile, putting yourself out there on social media, researching potential clients and sending them introductory emails, and pitching editors with your own ideas."

"The choicest, highest-paying employers aren't typically looking for freelancers through those avenues; they're more likely to network their way into a recommendation," she explained.

Given the variability in freelancer income from month to month, Gustafson started paying herself a set salary out of her freelance earnings from her "business account to my personal account twice a month, like a paycheck, and ideally that is what covers all the bills," she said. Most of that business account goes toward paying herself, while she does save a little extra for the occasional need, such as a new office monitor, website hosting fees, and office supplies. To keep costs low, she manages her books herself for free using Google sheets.

In 2020, she hopes to earn even more by cultivating multiple high-quality "anchor clients" - these are clients freelancers consistently work for on an ongoing basis, rather than those with one-off needs. She's particularly looking to work with more innovative tech and finance clients, those making the greatest impact on individuals, society, and the environment. She's also working on creating a functioning business and awesome resource out of her website for women freelancers, all while maintaining her current flexibility to be able to spend time with her family.

Copywriter and consultant Bizzy Coy broke through the six-figure income barrier by earning $101,000, nearly $30,000 more than her last full-time job

Coy, who has 14 years of professional experience and has been freelancing for the last six years, achieved her highest-earning year in 2019 while working just 10 to 20 hours per week, compared to 40 to 50 hours per week as a full-time employee. Her copywriting and communications consulting clients include entertainment industry brands - Disney, NBC, Blue Man Group, and Roundabout Theater Company - and she also teaches and writes humorous short fiction for The New Yorker, McSweeney's, Splitsider, and The Belladonna.

Bizzy Coy has been freelancing for the last six years

Bizzy Coy

Bizzy Coy.

Personal relationships are what have helped Coy's business take off from her previous annual earnings range of $41,000 to $75,000.

"In six years of freelancing, I've only landed one client that wasn't through a personal or professional connection," said Coy. Her network stems from her years of working full time in the field, which have "not only connected me to the right people, it gave me a much-needed foundation of knowledge, experience, and confidence that allowed me to pursue a freelance career." It was that network that landed her a big project in 2019 via work colleagues she had worked with more than six years ago.

To help create a steady source of income in the unpredictable field of freelancing, Coy sets up retainer agreements with two to three clients per year, meaning she's on call on a monthly basis whenever projects arise. "This consistent relationship means consistent income for me, and it means I don't need new clients often."

There's a financial upside as well, as she's found retainer agreements to be the most lucrative. "Instead of working with 100 clients who each need one small project, I work with one client who needs 100 small projects throughout the year."

When setting her pricing, she starts by asking, "How much money are they going to earn based on my work?" She also takes into consideration the marketing budget of the company, if she can estimate it, charging small nonprofits less than international corporations, and the amount of time she expects to spend on each project. "Although this is not as important as the first two items," Coy noted.

Her best advice to fellow freelancers is to let your network know about your business, produce quality work, charge more, and have "the confidence to approach your dream clients and work with larger companies with budgets that can afford to pay you what you're worth," she said.

Coy's annual income for the past five years

Bizzy Coy

Coy's annual income for the past six years.

For 2020, her goals include increasing her overall revenue while decreasing her working hours, building her business through public speaking and thought leadership efforts, and growing her network on Twitter.

Now that she's seen greater success in 2019, one move she plans to make in 2020 is "being more strategic in the new clients I take on - only signing on with new clients whose work aligns fully with my interests and are from organizations that can afford larger-scale projects and maintaining a longer-term working relationship, which I prefer to short, one-off projects," she said.

Content marketer Jen A. Miller earned $135,288 - $40,000 more than any other year in her freelancing career

Miller, whose clients include B2B publications, universities, research institutions, hospitals, and brands like Subaru and Costco, has been freelancing for 15 years, having worked two years full time before that.

Jen Miller, freelancer

Jen Miller

Jen Miller.

Her highest-earning year came while working about 30 hours a week, and she took 10 weeks off in 2019 (including the whole month of June). She attributes this success to sending letters of introduction (LOIs) with information about herself and writing examples.

"Think of it as a cold call but through email," she explained. "Most of the time I don't get a response, but when I do, it can be like hitting a jackpot."

After challenging years in 2016 and 2017, she said content marketing writer Jennifer Goforth Gregory, author of "The Freelance Content Marketing Writer," encouraged her to embark on a heavy LOI push in 2018. In the end, Miller sent more than 500 LOIs that year, which she said led to her revenue increase in 2019.

With her services including writing and teaching, Miller has found her most lucrative writing niches are technology and health, "especially when those two overlap, as they do when I write about healthcare technology," she shared.

Jen Miller income breakdown 2019

Jen A. Miller

Miller's 2019 income breakdown.

She broke into the technology niche by accident when an editor of a publication for CIOs followed her on Twitter because of her running-related writing and asked her to write for him. Even though she didn't have a background in technology, she started out with one small assignment and that has evolved to include working for a suite magazines all about technology.

Miller retains four anchor clients whom she works for consistently each month and who make up about half of her business. "No one client makes up more than 20% of my business, which is important to me. I can lose one and still have plenty to get by," she said.

Miller's gross income over time

Jen A. Miller

Miller's gross income over time.

Even though she had a great year in 2019, this year Miller is still sending out LOIs ("though not 500," she noted) and following up on LOIs she sent over the last two years.

Having already accomplished one of her professional goals for 2020 - to self-published a white paper, "Notes From a Hired Pen: How I Made $135,000 in One Year of Freelancing," all about her successful 2019, she also plans to spend the month of August in Colorado.

"That may not seem like a professional goal, but the work that I do supports my travel and adventures, which is very important to me," she shared.

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