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  4. 1 in 5 kids in China's Hubei province showed depression symptoms after quarantine. Here's what parents can do to help their children avoid this.

1 in 5 kids in China's Hubei province showed depression symptoms after quarantine. Here's what parents can do to help their children avoid this.

1 in 5 kids in China's Hubei province showed depression symptoms after quarantine. Here's what parents can do to help their children avoid this.
Isolated from school and social activities, some children may begin to show signs of depression.Chris Hondros/Getty Images
  • Recent research out of China indicates that 1 in 5 children who had been quarantined in the Hubei province reported symptoms of depression and anxiety while under lockdown, and even after.
  • Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker, says it may be too early to tell what kind of long-term effects the experience of being under quarantine may have on some children.
  • To help your own children cope during challenging time, Morin says to use empowering language, validate their fears and emotions, schedule fun activities, and help them stay virtually connected to friends and family.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

This pandemic appears to be having serious consequences on kids' mental health — at least according to early research coming out of China.

Kids in China are showing signs of depression — even after quarantine has ended. Learning more about what's causing this could help parents in the US prevent mental health problems before they start, or at least get them treated if they see early warning signs.

Depression among children in China

Researchers examined 1,784 children in the second through sixth grades of schools in the Hubei province of China to assess their mental health following shutdowns caused by the pandemic.

The study, which was published in April of 2020, discovered that about one in five children experienced symptoms of depression after being out of school for one month. The anxiety rates were almost as high.

It's too early to tell what the long-term mental health effects on children might be. Will depression and anxiety rates go down once society settles into a "new normal"? Or might they continue to struggle in the future with the effects of quarantine? Will kids be traumatized by their experiences?

Fortunately, being proactive about children's mental health during this difficult time might help address and prevent mental health issues before they get worse.

What US parents can do now

It's not surprising that children in China were experiencing higher rates of mental illness following the quarantine. They had encountered complete disruptions to their lives, their after school activities had been removed, and they weren't able to spend time with their friends.

Additionally, many of them were likely experiencing distress about the pandemic itself. They may have been afraid of getting sick, or they may have recognized that their families were under financial distress. They may have also been worried about their loved ones' health.

Fortunately, there are some things parents in the US can do right now to help improve their children's mental health. Sometimes, small changes can make a big difference in a child's overall well-being — especially during a crisis.

Here are some strategies that can improve kids' mental health right now:

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Get professional help

Get professional help
There's no shame in seeking professional help.      fizkes/Shutterstock

If you see changes in your child's mood or behavior that concern you — and it lasts more than two weeks — seek professional help. Many therapists are offering online therapy right now, and talking to someone might help improve their mental health. Early intervention can often reduce the length and severity of mental health problems like anxiety and depression.

Help them stay connected

Help them stay connected
Encourage your kids to write letters to the people they miss.      REUTERS/Desmond Boylan

Help your kids stay connected with their friends. Let them have video phone calls. Encourage them to set up daily lunch dates with their friends. Or help facilitate a group chat a few times per week. This can help them feel connected even when they can't be together.

Schedule fun activities

Schedule fun activities
Plan a family game night.      Rick Scuteri/AP

Kids feel good when they have something to look forward to. So while you may not be able to go to regular activities in the community, you can schedule fun things that still allow you to social distance.

Tell the kids you're ordering pizza and watching a special movie on Friday night. Or plan to go on a family hike next Sunday. The whole family will get a boost in their moods when they have something to look forward to. And then, you get another boost when you do that fun thing. Finally, this happy feeling can last even after the activity is over.

Create a routine

Create a routine
Teach your kids how to stick to a daily schedule.      Ute Grabowsky/Getty Images

Kids (similar to adults) do better when they have some structure to their day. So set aside time for learning, playing, working, and family. A simple routine can help them know what to expect each day — and this can help them feel better during a time of uncertainty.

Talk about feelings

Talk about feelings
Tell your kids it's OK to feel sad or scared.      Getty Images

Check in with your kids about how they're feeling. Make it clear that however they feel is OK. Also, don't try to minimize their feelings by saying things like, "Don't be scared," or "There's no reason to be upset." Instead, acknowledge their emotions, and talk about healthy ways to deal with these feelings.

Use empowering language

Use empowering language
Encourage your kids to think positively.      MoMo Productions/Getty Images

Rather than say things like, "We're stuck at home," or "forced to be in isolation," use language that empowers everyone. Say, "We're choosing to help everyone stay safe." Explain to your kids that by staying home, you're doing your part to help others (even though it may be difficult or frustrating to do at times).


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