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Here's what it's REALLY like to work at Google, the 'world's most attractive' employer

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Here's what it's REALLY like to work at Google, the 'world's most attractive' employer

Hiring process

Hiring process

Google's hiring process is holistic and focuses on looking for a person who's a great fit for the job, for Google, and for other things outside their core role. Each interview focuses on discovering a different aspect of a candidate's strengths.

In my case, I went through five interviews focused on leadership, role-related knowledge, problem solving, and "Googleyness." I was asked a series of analytical and sales-related "fire drills" based on real business cases. It was challenging, but they were really the type of questions I deal with on a daily basis, so I think it was great preparation for my current role.

Advice for applying to Google

Advice for applying to Google

Do your homework. Make sure you understand our vision, know our products, and are aware of how your unique story contributes to making Google such a special place.

Also, make sure you understand the role you're applying for, the impact it brings to Google, and how your skills make you a great candidate for it.

Before applying to Google I spent days watching videos on Google's culture and early days, read articles on tech trends and Google's big bets, dove deep into product research, and reached out to my network for advice and feedback.

My second piece of advice: Don't be afraid to ask questions. Asking the right questions is the key to gaining more insights, putting your curiosity to the test, and showing that you are eager to learn — that is at the core of being a Googler.

Skills that are most useful to have to work at Google

Skills that are most useful to have to work at Google

Determination, out-of-the-box thinking, adaptability, and teamwork.

One of the cool things about working on my team is that we operate as a startup — we are small, scrappy, and move fast.

Success relies on approaching new challenges in a creative way, collaborating on ideas, adapting to new scenarios, and, most importantly, getting things done.

Best part about working for Google

Best part about working for Google

The people — they are "shooting for the moon," changing the world, and giving back. You feel constantly inspired and excited by being around them.

For example, while riding the shuttle one random day, I met one of the engineers for the Self-driving Car Project. He took me for a ride the next day — it was amazing!

More recently, I got to experience an equally amazing side of Googlers after Nepal's earthquake. Googlers around the world mobilized incredibly quickly together to offer relief and fundraise — it was a remarkable thing to be a part of.



We have great perks most people have heard about like free food, gym, onsite doctors, discounts, and free massages! Those come in handy.

But my favorite perks are the ones for professional and personal development. For example, there is a peer-to-peer learning program where Googlers teach other Googlers on topics that can range from yoga to coding — and it's all completely free!

In the upcoming months I'm planning to take Marketing, Analytics, and Business courses at Stanford, sponsored by Google as part of the Education Reimbursement Program. I'm very excited about this opportunity.

The office environment

The office environment

I work at Google headquarters in Mountain View. The office space is unique: beautiful buildings and outdoor areas, arcade games, pool tables, a bowling alley — it's definitely not a typical workplace.

Googlers are very active, so you often see people riding bikes, walking their dogs, or exercising around campus. They're also just as active with their working style. Since I work with sales people, the environment is fun and fast-paced — they are always hitting the ground running.

Plus, we have three official team dogs — Wally, Sabre, and Peaches. They are fun to be around, especially when we need to take a break from work.

One thing you didn't know about Google before working there

One thing you didn

Before working at Google, I didn't know the true extent of its culture's openness. One of my favorite things at the company is TGIFs, weekly meetings held by Larry and Sergey with the entire company globally via Hangouts. All employees are encouraged and have the opportunity to ask Larry and Sergey questions about the company directly — sometimes the questions are tough, but there is always humor and transparency involved.

Favorite pop culture reference about Google

Favorite pop culture reference about Google

"The Internship." Everyone should watch it! I think they they did an amazing job at depicting life at Google with great humor and some of my coworkers were featured as extras in the movie — it is very close to home.

What it's REALLY like to work at Google, in three sentences or less

What it

Working at Google is a transformational experience. Professionally, you are constantly growing and evolving by tackling the most complex challenges imaginable and learning from your peers. Personally, you are surrounded with the type of knowledge, talent, and passion that inspires you to do things that matter — to you and to society as a whole.

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