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Here's what it's like to be a greeting-card writer at Hallmark - a $3.8 billion company that makes 10,000 cards a year

Before Hallmark

Here's what it's like to be a greeting-card writer at Hallmark - a $3.8 billion company that makes 10,000 cards a year

Finding the job

Finding the job

"I was teaching high-school English in Iowa my first year out of college when I saw an ad in the paper for a greeting-card writer."

"The ad didn't specifically mention Hallmark, but said the company was based in Kansas City, so I assumed that's who I'd be working for. I had already decided that teaching was not my calling after all and jumped at the chance to become a full time writer — especially for such a prestigious company as Hallmark."

Getting the job

Getting the job

"After I applied, I was sent a set of exercises to complete to see if I had some potential as a greeting-card writer. Back then, it was an actual physical portfolio I had to type out and send through the mail. Today, of course, the process is all digital. But the intent is the same — can you write something clever or emotional, can you rhyme and meter?"

"After a few weeks, I heard back from Hallmark and was flown in for a day of interviews, meeting with several writers and editors. People commented on the pieces of writing I'd sent in, and I guess wanted to make sure I'd fit in personality-wise."

"My grandmother didn't want me to get my hopes up and told me not to be too disappointed if I didn't get the job — she was sure lots of people applied for a job like this. But I was told later once I was hired that it was my rhyme and meter skills and sense of structure that had landed me the job. I was really excited to get started, and was assigned a mentor to train me in all the ins and outs of the business and the types of writing I'd be doing."

A typical day at work

A typical day at work

"The days here are pretty varied, so it's hard to describe a typical day. I write everything from greeting cards to children's books to funny jokes on our 'Crabby Road' Facebook page. Also, we're called on to write copy for gifts — short one-liners for mugs, wall décor, etc."

"But a 'typical' day might start with opening my email and seeing if any new assignments have come in overnight. For example, I might be assigned to a 'Feminine Birthday' project for a couple of weeks. Oftentimes, we have a 'kickoff' meeting with the editorial director to find out the strategy for the project — do they need longer, heartfelt pieces, or short clever copy? — and to get an idea of the recipients we'll be writing for — are these for moms, grandmas, daughters, or just women in general?"

"We usually get some examples of copy that's doing well, or some kind of inspiration to spark some new ideas. Then we disperse to our own workspaces to try and get into the headspace of people who might be sending these cards."



"I get inspired by lots of things: my own relationships with my family and friends, song lyrics, poetry. Ideas are all around, really. Sometimes just listening to people talk about who they love and why is also very inspiring. And of course, I'm inspired by my fellow writers. They're a talented group, and they challenge me in my craft."

Who does what

Who does what

"We do have writers that write mainly for humor product, but most writers do a little bit of everything. People may have a natural bent for a certain kind of writing, i.e. kids' cards, or romantic cards. But we try to develop versatility as writers."

"Personally, I'd get tired of writing the same kind of thing and like the variety. I'm always challenged by writing for something that's a little out of my comfort zone. That's how I stay fresh."

The artwork

The artwork

"Collaboration between the writer and artist happens from time to time — but it is just as likely that the writer's copy and the artist's design will be paired together without them ever sitting down together. Sometimes the writing comes first ... sometimes the design."

What gets used

What gets used

"I may write anywhere from two to 20 cards a week, it really varies."

"It depends on the length of the card and the kind of project. I've written literally thousands of cards throughout my career — which has spanned over 30 years. And I would say less than 50% actually get printed. Standards are pretty high."

Writers' block


"Every single day I get a little case of writers' block ... but when you've been at this as long as I have, you've trained yourself in how to get past it. You have to just start writing — even if it's wretched at first. Then somehow the good ideas start to flow after awhile. They always do."

Best part of the job

Best part of the job

"The privilege of being part of people's most meaningful moments in life — birthdays, weddings, babies being born, the passing of loved ones. Also, my words can help bring people together and express love. I see that as a big responsibility."

Biggest challenge

Biggest challenge

"The biggest challenge is saying just the right thing — writing a message that appeals to a lot of people, but at the same time makes the sender feel like it was written just for him or her."

Misconceptions about the job

Misconceptions about the job

"I think one misconception is that anyone can do this job. It actually takes a lot of training to really master."

"Also, people may think greeting-card writers are all the same kind of people. But our staff has people from a variety of ages, ethnicities, personalities, and backgrounds. Each writer here brings something unique to the table."

"I also think people would be surprised to learn just how much effort goes into the writing of each card. We research current trends, conduct focus groups, and try to really understand our consumers. During a sympathy-writing project, for instance, a group of us visited a funeral home to find out more about the grieving process and the kinds of things that mourners would find comforting.

"For other projects, we've had sessions where we sit around and share some of our favorite song lyrics and why we like them. It helps us translate emotions into words that will resonate with people."

The pay

The pay

Hallmark couldn't comment on salary information, but according to, greeting-card writers in the US make $51,000 a year on average. In places like New York and San Francisco, they earn closer to $70,000, on average.

Seeing creations on the shelves

Seeing creations on the shelves

"It's rewarding, especially when I just discover one I hadn't seen yet. It's always fun to see how they turn out."

"People ask if it's weird not to have my name on my work — and the answer is, no, not really. I've learned that I'm writing for other people, and I have to be content with channeling other people's voices and points of view."

Common question card writers get

Common question card writers get

"Don't you ever run out of ideas?"

"When people ask this, I say, 'Sure I do … but luckily, I've got a lot of resources to fall back on."

"Also, society and language and trends are always changing, so there's always some new way of expressing an emotion that hasn't been said yet."

Favorite card

Favorite card

"I wrote a card years ago that's been rereleased over and over again because it sells so well. It says, 'I just have to laugh when I think of some of the crazy things we've done together. And they wouldn't have been half as fun with anyone else but you.'"

"The inspiration for the card was my crazy college friend, Ann, who talked me into doing goofy things together and had a really quirky sense of humor. And since the card's been so popular, a lot of people out there must also have a crazy friend like that!"

Advice for aspiring card writers

Advice for aspiring card writers

"Here's a piece of advice for those interested in become a greeting-card writer: Go to a card shop and read a lot of cards. Become familiar with the kinds of messages you find there. Also, what kinds of messages are not there? You'll notice there aren't a lot of specific compliments, or things that might limit the sender in choosing a card for someone."

"It's always surprising to me that so many people who apply for the job have obviously not spent any time in card shops, and really have no sense of how to go about writing a greeting-card message. You've got to know your audience and show that you understand at least a little bit about the 'social expression' market, as we call it."

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