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9 free online resources that will help you advance your career


9 free online resources that will help you advance your career

Khan Academy

Khan Academy

A Khan Academy account will get you access to hundreds of video lectures and exercises on a wide variety of topics, many of them narrated by the site's founder and executive director Sal Khan.

The site is especially useful if you want to learn specific topics rather than an entire subject, like how the stock market works and how to build a balance sheet.

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Coursera and edX

Coursera and edX

Coursera and edX may be competitors, but they're both worth checking out for their selection of in-depth courses from top universities like Stanford and UPenn.

Many courses are also highly practical rather than theoretical, like "Successful Negotiation" from the University of Michigan on Coursera or "Communicating Strategically" from Purdue on edX.

Explore Coursera >>

Explore edX >>



Taking an introductory class in coding isn't going to get you a top engineering job at Google, but it could help you understand the mechanics of what you're working with every day, demystifying how software and websites function.

It's a great way to learn languages like HTML and CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Python, and Ruby. Whether you want to become fluent in HTML to better maneuver your company's content management system or take skill-based classes like how to build an interactive website, Codeacademy will help you get there.

Learn how to code >>



Working for your paycheck is one thing, but if you want to learn how to make your paycheck work for you, LearnVest is a great resource. While you can purchase financial advisory services, its free in-depth articles will answer most of your general personal finance questions.

If you never learned how to budget or want to develop a retirement plan, LearnVest has you covered.

Develop healthy financial habits >>



Investopedia can be your go-to resource for learning about the world of finance. If you'd like to start taking advantage of compound interest or compound growth but can't tell a mutual fund from a hedge fund, you can explore Investopedia's many guides, instructional videos, and encyclopedia entries.

Grow your financial vocabulary >>

Y Combinator Startup Library

Y Combinator Startup Library

If you're considering leaving your job to start your own business or are just wondering what it would be like to have a fun side project, Y Combinator's Startup Library is a good place to get an idea of what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

Y Combinator is a seed fund that puts promising entrepreneurs through a rigorous bootcamp-like period that ends with a pitch to investors for serious amounts of capital. Its website's free library features insightful blog posts from YC cofounder Paul Graham on creating and developing companies, as well as links to external sources, like a guide to writing the perfect business plan from renowned Silicon Valley venture capital firm Sequoia Capital.

Pursue your entrepreneurial drive >>



Maybe your company opened a new office in Germany that could provide an exciting career opportunity you've been waiting for, but you don't know a word of German. Before pursuing an advanced course, you can learn the basics for free from Duolingo.

A 2012 independent study conducted by Roumen Vesselinov of the City University of New York and John Grego of the University of South Carolina found that 34 hours spent with Duolingo are equivalent to an 11-week semester of a language course.

Learn a new language >>

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