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8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn't feel like it

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn't feel like it

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn't feel like it

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn't feel like it

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn

They ask a long series of tough questions

"Your hiring manager is not trying to create a torture chamber, although it might feel like one," she says. "If the questions seem endless, as rigorous as they might be, your prospective boss is trying to gather as much information on you in the time allotted."

Beware, though, if they seem mean-spirited; this is your vetting opportunity, too.

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn't feel like it

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn

They pay little attention to your answers

This can be perceived as a lack of interest — except for the fact they may be so excited about your prospects that they aren't paying close attention to what you say, Taylor explains. "They may be pondering the bigger picture of how you'd fit in and next steps. Or, they may want to cover as much ground as they can. Either way, this could bode well for you."

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn't feel like it

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn

They display inconsistent behavior

A hiring manager who's really interested in you might act differently towards you over the course of the interview.

"One moment they may be smiling and encouraging, but in another, they may throw you off with a zinger question when you least expect it," says Taylor. "It's all part of the cat and mouse game, so you might as well try to enjoy the ride."

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn't feel like it

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn

They ask a lot of hypothetical questions

These can be excruciating to answer, but if you see a shift from more general questions to hypothetical ones, they may have actually decided it's time to delve beyond skills sets and more deeply into your work style.

"You may have passed the test on core questions," Taylor says. "Also, the hypothetical questions may move into the framework of the job at hand, which is a good sign."

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn't feel like it

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn

They place emphasis on speaking with your references

This can be confusing if used as a constant caveat, e.g., "Well, I'd have to see what your references would say about that!" But in reality, if references are being addressed, you've passed a major hurdle, she says.

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn't feel like it

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn

They ask oddball questions with a detectable smile

If you get one or more of these, but your interviewer is balancing your panic with a sly smile, they're probably rooting for you, Taylor explains. "You may notice other body language that contradicts the intensity of the question, such as leaning forward or watching your reaction intently."

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn't feel like it

8 signs the hiring manager loves you, even if it doesn

They keep you waiting

If the hiring manager has to deal with something urgent or take an important call in the middle of your interview and they ask you to wait, this is a good sign. If they weren't interested in you, they might cut the interview off right then and there. But if they like you, they'll want to continue the conversation after they finish dealing with the crisis at hand.

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