Try treating it like a regular breakup
Even if your fall out was contentious, don't bring that hostility into the office with you.
"Treat it like any other break up," Williams says. "Stick to your grounds and keep the relationship cordial.
And definitely don't be tempted to get back together just to make the situation in the office less awkward.
Remember, it's no one's business but your own
If you feel wronged, it can be tempting to complain about your situation to your coworkers. That might give you momentary relief, but it's just going to make things worse in the long run.
"Avoid the temptation to play dirty," Williams says. "Do not add fuel to the fire and spread your dirty laundry around the office."
Never fight in the office
Williams says it's important to keep things professional with your ex at all times.
That means no fighting in the office. Also, don't try to embroil your boss in some weird, unnecessary power play.
"Do not undermine your ex-S.O. or ask to have them transferred," Williams says. "You knew the proposed risks when you entered into the relationship and need to act like adults."
Steer clear, if you can
It's not a terrible idea to try to stay away from your ex if possible, especially immediately after your relationship ends. You might be in a vulnerable emotional spot, and you don't want to aggravate that.
Of course, if you're still friendly with your former love, then disregard this. Also, if you work in a small office or are assigned to the same project, then you might just have to get used to seeing them constantly.
In order to heal, however, it's probably best not to go out of your way to spend time with them in the office.
Face the music
That being said, Williams feels it's important not to hide from your problem. If you've just broken it off with a colleague, don't take a sick day (or worse, quit your job). Even if you're confrontation adverse, it's better to just tackle this head on.
Hopefully the complicated feelings will numb as time passes.