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6 signs your hobby is benefitting your career

6 signs your hobby is benefitting your career

6 signs your hobby is benefitting your career

6 signs your hobby is benefitting your career

6 signs your hobby is benefitting your career

Your hobby balances you

We live in a busy world. So many people feel too busy to take on anything other than work and personal relationships. However, it's good to balance your life. Hobbies provide you with pride independent of the ups-and-downs that define your career and your interactions with loved ones.

As early as 1676, English jurist Sir Matthew Hale wrote in "Contemplations Moral and Divine": "Almost every person hath some hobby horse or other wherein he prides himself."

Citing a Bain & Co. study of MBA students, The Boston Globe reported that work-life balance is an increasingly important issue to workers, despite the fact that businesses have been slow to catch on to the trend.

By taking on a hobby, you can begin to prioritize your own work-life balance and capture this sense of contentment.

6 signs your hobby is benefitting your career

6 signs your hobby is benefitting your career

It allows you to pursue your passion — realistically

The platitude "follow your dreams" is typically a lot of fluffy nonsense. Most of our "dreams" are pretty impractical. For most people, it's far better to get a decent job doing something you really like and are good at than to set off on a quest to find your "calling." Perfect is the enemy of good, and all that.

However, that doesn't mean you need to give up on your other pursuits entirely. You can make time to sculpt, do stand up, or crochet after hours. If you fiercely guard that hobby time, you'll find that you're able to continue to pursue your passion in life, even if it's not your main career. Who knows — you might eventually get so good at your side hustle that it will eventually become your full-time job!

Rather than becoming disillusioned with your full-time job because it's not quite your one true passion, you'll be able to continue pursuing your dream without going bankrupt and ruining your life.

6 signs your hobby is benefitting your career

6 signs your hobby is benefitting your career

It keeps you healthy

If your hobby involves physical activity, you could be boosting your memory and cognitive abilities, according to a Stanford University psychological experiment.

It can be difficult to schedule time for exercise into your busy life, so working out during our hobby is also extra efficient.

A study published in the "Journal of Applied Physiology" found that exercise provides you with more brainpower, which you can never have too much of in the office.

6 signs your hobby is benefitting your career

6 signs your hobby is benefitting your career

It allows you to connect with others outside of work

It's great to make friends at work. However, workplace relationships don't necessarily blossom at every company — some offices are too toxic, competitive, or transitory to sustain lasting friendships.

Making friends through your hobby is different. You're not just bonding over circumstances, you're getting to know each other through a shared interest!

Charlotte Style, author of "Change Your Life with Positive Psychology," writes: "Being actively engaged in pleasurable physical activity that offers challenges and social connection is an easy way to health and well being."

This will boost your work life by putting less pressure on your office friendships and providing you with alternative social outlets to rely on.

6 signs your hobby is benefitting your career

6 signs your hobby is benefitting your career

It makes you less stressed

Some worry that taking on a hobby might add to the stress in their life. In fact, hobbies have the opposite effect — they relax you.

A San Francisco State University study discovered that employees who pursue creative hobbies are able to recover better from the demands of their job.

"Creative activity was found to have both indirect effects and direct effects on performance-related outcomes, but the effects varied by the type of performance-related outcome," the study found. "The results indicate that organizations may benefit from encouraging employees to consider creative activities in their efforts to recover from work."

Stress isn't a trivial problem. It can have a major impact on your longterm workplace productivity — and your health in general. Gallup has found that stressed out employees are terrible for businesses: workers with high well being and low stress have 41% lower health-related costs than workers with high stress.

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