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19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You lie to or withhold information from your employees to 'protect' them

You may think you're doing everyone a favor by keeping bad news from them, but this is no way to manage a team. Honesty is always the best policy, and if you want your employees to trust and respect you, you have to be open with them.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You don't enforce the rules

You hate playing bad cop. Sure, we get it. That's no fun, and you desperately want everyone to like you (see sign No. 1). But you're the boss, and without abusing your power, you need to enforce company enforce rules and policies.

You don't have to run around snooping on everyone, but if you notice an employee doing something that goes against company policy — something you can both get in trouble for should the higher-ups find out — it's your responsibility to confront the employee and stop the bad behavior.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You never, ever give negative feedback

Don't pretend everything is perfect all the time.

Chances are, it's not. Even the best employees can improve on a thing or two.

If someone is doing a great job, of course you should tell them that — but then talk to figure out ways to bring them to the next level.

And if everything is not great, don't lie and say it is. Of course you want to be encouraging and acknowledge this person's achievements, but don't sugarcoat everything. If you really, truly want to help this employee, you'll need to tell them what they can be doing better, and offer your support as they work to accomplish those things.

According to a 2014 Harvard Business Review study, 57% of employees like to receive negative feedback, and only 43% like hearing positive feedback only.

But make sure you go about giving negative feedback the right way.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You're lenient with deadlines

People need structure. They need boundaries. They like deadlines.

You're doing nobody any favors when you're too laid back.

In fact, you may be setting them up to fail.

Should your employees ever go on to work for someone else who is more strict about deadlines, they may have a very hard time adjusting.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You don't manage, because you don't want to come off as bossy

Guess what? You are the boss! You're their manager ... and you need to be a leader.

This doesn't mean you should go over the top and micromanage, but you need to be there for your employees, offering guidance and support and challenging them to get better every day at what they do. You need to push them and motivate them and listen to them.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You over-manage, to show you care

At the other end of the spectrum are micromanagers. Sometimes people micromanage because they're control freaks — but other times they do it because they want to seem like they're involved and that they care. But it's easy to go overboard and suffocate your employees. So back off a bit and find that perfect balance.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You give them (too much) freedom

Again, you're trying to be cool. We get it. You let your employees take long lunches and text with their friends all day. Stop!

They won't respect you. They will only see you as a pushover — or someone they can take advantage of.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You make amazing promises (that you know you can't keep)

Promising a promotion or a raise might make someone happy right now — but what happens when the promise falls through?

Don't say or promise things now just to make your employees temporarily feel good.

"An overpromising boss is an untrustworthy boss," says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and the author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job."

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You always come in, even if you're sick

You want to be there for your employees. That's admirable. But if you're sick and contagious, stay home! They will survive without you for a day or two — and will appreciate you not spreading your germs.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You play favorites

Maybe you really click with a few people on your team — or you're trying to win others over. Whatever the case, don't treat some people more favorably than others. Be fair.

Plus, the people who aren't getting that preferential treatment will feel pretty awful and see you as a horrible boss. They may be discouraged, and their work will likely suffer.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You don't applaud accomplishments because you don't want anyone to feel bad

Out of fear of looking like you're playing favorites (which we know we just told you not to do) you may go one step too far in the other direction and never commend people who deserve to be recognized.

If someone on the team really went above and beyond, you should publicly applaud them. Don't worry about making the rest of the team feel badly. If anything, it will inspire and encourage them to step up their game.

Plus, if you don't give people the recognition they deserve, morale may plummet.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You gossip

Trying to fit in? Want to look like you're in the know? Gossiping is not the way to do it.

In fact, this will just make you seem untrustworthy, unprofessional, and petty. Who can respect someone with those qualities?

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You tease or flirt

Maybe you're just trying to be friendly or funny.

But making jokes at your employees' expense can be hurtful and highly unprofessional, Taylor explains.

You may get a few laughs, but teasing your staff will show you lack the emotional intelligence to see the difference between humor and insults, she says.

Equally as inappropriate, or worse, is flirting. Even if you think it's welcomed, don't do it. You will make people feel uncomfortable, and can get yourself in big trouble.

There are far better ways to be friendly and build rapport with your employees.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You only focus on the present

There are a million inspirational quotes out there about living and being in the present. But at work, especially when you're the manager, it's important to learn from the past and think about the future.

Talk to your employees about where they see themselves in six months, a year, or five years. Help them come up with plans for long-term growth, and regularly check in to get progress reports. When employees know you're invested in their future, they're more likely to stick around.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You're spontaneous

Spontaneity can be fun – but not so much at work. People don't like surprises. They don't like bosses who are impulsive. It puts them on edge and the uncertainty of everything will make them feel uncomfortable.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You take on more work because you never want to overwhelm anyone

Sometimes it makes sense to help lighten someone's work load in order to free up their time to focus on something else. But if you're constantly taking on more work just to be nice, stop immediately. You will burn out quickly, and have no time or energy to offer the guidance and support your team needs.

If someone can't handle everything on their plate, talk to them to come up with a solution together.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You only accept credit for the successes

You want to appear successful. You want everyone to think you're great at what you do. But if you only take credit for the good stuff — never accept the blame when things go wrong — you'll lose your employees' trust. They'll feel like you're throwing them under the bus.

19 signs you're a horrible boss, even if it doesn't feel like it

19 signs you

You never take breaks or vacations

You may want to prove how dedicated you are to the job — but we all need to rest and recharge our batteries from time to time. How can one be efficient and energetic at work when they never take a break?

Schedule some time off every few months. Get a plan in place for while you're out so that things run smoothly while you're done. And when you do take a vacation, disconnect!

The respite will be beneficial to not just you, but everyone on your team.

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