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18 awesome career choices most college kids would never think of

Air traffic controller

18 awesome career choices most college kids would never think of

Court stenographer

Court stenographer

Average annual salary: $55,000

"It's a three-year program (on average — took me four to finish), but if you're proficient in grammar, have strong language skills, have solid finger dexterity from playing an instrument or video games, and are able to work independently, it's an incredible career.

"You work from home most of the time, lawyers very rarely schedule depositions before 10:00 am, you can make your own schedule, and the pay is great. Your pay reflects how hard you want to work and the jobs you're getting, but I made 65k my first year and nearly 80k my second." —Bad_Karma21

Dental hygienist

Dental hygienist

Average annual salary: $71,970

"I'm starting dental hygiene school in the fall and I would have never looked into it while in college. It's only after I graduated and realized that I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do that I started seriously doing some research. Most dental hygiene programs only require a certain amount of prerequisite courses and a standardized test score for admission. Most are also bachelors degree programs as well, so mom and dad are pleased and you're spending the minimal amount of time you would earning a traditional university/college degree. Plus, salary starts at 50-60k a year with ridiculous benefits, at least in my area. Dentists treat their hygienists well!" —WinnifredBurkle

Industrial design

Industrial design

Average annual salary: $67,030

"As a career, industrial design is a great fusion of art and engineering. The problems are challenging, the work is varied and creative, and design consultancies have some of the best work environments and cultures you could ask for. And at the core of it all, you're tasked with answering the question, 'What sort of future do we want to live in?' Design is so much more than making things shiny." —Grizzleyt

Anesthesiology assistant

Anesthesiology assistant

Average annual salary for similar position*: $97,280

"You have to do a premed track in undergrad, but then go to a two-year masters program which has 100% job placement and the average starting salary is about 120k. I never knew about it as an undergrad and wasted a few years getting another masters in an unrelated field." —parallax1

*Some median salaries were not available via the Bureau of Labor Statistics, so data for similar positions was used.

Geomatic engineering/Land surveying

Geomatic engineering/Land surveying

Average annual salary: $60,310

"Most surveyors are old. For instance, the average age of a surveyor in the state of California is in the mid to late fifties, which means you will definitely get a job out of college and you can quickly work your way up to a decent six figure income once you get your professional license." —TheGeomatician

"Yes. Definitely yes. My dad actually worked for a surveyor for a while and has done surveying off and on as a technician. Made a livable income for someone who dropped out of college after a semester and funded a very heavy smoking habit. I've considered getting a side job with a surveyor in a year or two since part of my current degree involves Geographic Information Systems." —da_asparagus

Packaging engineering

Packaging engineering

Average annual salary: $85,110

"There are only a few schools who offer this degree but the level of difficulty is not high and the unemployment rate after graduation is incredibly low. Also you are likely to be hired to Fortune 500 companies, (P&G, Johnson & Johnson, Bemis, etc.)" —Klarkson1273

Hearing aid practitioner/Audiologist

Hearing aid practitioner/Audiologist

Average annual salary: $76,790

"Jobs jobs everywhere. Same goes for speech pathologists. Requires a grad degree and a lot of clinic hours, state certification, but the pay is great and jobs are plentiful. Work is rewarding too, helping people communicate who otherwise couldn't is pretty rad." —PaleoVision

Physician assistant

Physician assistant

Average annual salary: $97,280

"The short of it is a two to two and half year long post-grad program, and then you're able to work in the industry with a comparatively high level of independence and earning six figures doing something that results in one feeling as though they're making some sort of difference.

"It's not an easy way out, of course, but it's so much less commitment than medical school, and with the way med school costs are going, it's very possible that throughout the entirety of your career you can out-earn many doctors who don't specialize in a particularly expensive specialty. And this also comes with the ability to change specialties without going back to school." —You_Dont_Party

Hospital technology repair

Hospital technology repair

Average annual salary: $48,540

"My brother in law works for a medical repair company. He made 55k starting, 15 an hour during the internship, and owned his own house at 23. They fly him around for free whenever someone out of state calls." —CurioustoaFault

"As a former biomed technician, I can confirm that it's a very solid industry to get in on. Medical equipment (even on the smaller scale, infusion pumps, defibrillators, and portable suction machines) are ridiculously overpriced, and with this comes huge maintenance prices too. I remember one week in particular, our team of four technicians working on a particular job billed $35,000+ for our company simply doing routine checks on certain equipment in one of the nearby hospitals." —Bananaman_lives

Internal auditing

Internal auditing

Average annual salary: $76,670

"Large companies have management training rotations in audit because of the risk/controls knowledge you get and the broad understanding of processes, so it's definitely a good track to leadership. I also find it financially rewarding. Six years out of undergrad, over $100k a year." —Xomegaalpha

Mining engineer

Mining engineer

Average annual salary: $100,970

"It can be cyclical (bit of a miner lull right now in my specific resource/location right now) but on a good year it is white hot. I signed on to a $100k salary (plus bonus and benefits) straight out of my bachelors degree at 23 for a job that had me moving across the planet (Canada to Australia). The year I graduated we finished school in May and 80% of my graduating class had jobs lined up already and the remainder found jobs by the end of July.

"I was on the higher end for salaries (most making about $80k) There's worldwide options especially if you get educated in a Western University. Mining Engineers in the US make a little less (~$65k) but for the amount of people working for $30k on masters degrees in other industries, you can't really complain. You do have to be willing to live in remote areas." —truffleshufflegoonie

Tower technician

Tower technician

Average annual salary: $49,880

"I've been doing this for a few years and I'll pull in roughly 60 to 70k this year. It's great if you like working outdoors, like heights, and enjoy traveling. It's hard to get bored when you're in a new town every week working with guys who have your back. The cool thing is you don't need a college degree, or any kind of education (Personally, I have my Bachelors in an unrelated field)." —IClimbStuff



Average annual salary for similar position*: $56,560

"Very few people know this, but blacksmithing is something still practiced in today's society. Very few colleges have courses in it and I believe that mine is the only one that you can get a degree in it (Southern Illinois University of Carbondale). I am a student in this program. It is immensely fun. I have made knives, art, pedestals, hammers. I love talking about what I do but very few people understand it. And there is quite a job market for it too." —FarlandMetals

*Some median salaries were not available via the Bureau of Labor Statistics, so data for similar positions was used.

Funeral director

Funeral director

Average annual salary: $52,130

"My friends whole family are morticians and funeral directors. Not one of them makes less than $50k. One of them finished mortician science school at 20 and started making $60k as an apprentice and in a couple years he'll be a full blown embalmer making twice that." —Austronano

Geospatial/geographic information systems

Geospatial/geographic information systems

Average annual salary for similar position*: $64,570

"It's basically the 21st century version of cartography and it's a field that ranges everything from making maps (think Google Maps or Garmin), pollution tracking, civil planning, interpretation of satellite imagery, and countless other uses. It primarily centers around the use of GIS programs like ArcMap or GrassGIS to graphically represent quantitative data.

"Employers LOVE it and demand for it is high. It's one of the few jobs you can do well in with a bachelor's degree too, masters are rather specialized and go more into satellite work or high level statistics generally. Starting wages are generally 40 to 60k a year from what I've seen but there's a lot of room to move around and move up the ladder." —Shorvok

*Some median salaries were not available via the Bureau of Labor Statistics, so data for similar positions was used.

Technical writing

Technical writing

Average annual salary: $71,950

"It's an interesting an exciting field for people with diverse backgrounds (everything from a liberal arts degree to engineering)." —Anonymous

"If you say get onto the back end of a high technology firm writing manuals for the operation of there equipment, you will be exposed to some of the latest and greatest that technology has to offer." —WilliamOfOrange

Healthcare administrator

Healthcare administrator

Average annual salary: $103,680

"I wish I knew about healthcare administration when I was soul-searching for a major. Good pay, good job availability, and it isn't half-bad." —Anonymous

"Most fields you can think of in business have a healthcare component that is ten times more complicated because it is in healthcare. Also, a lot of people in healthcare administration have started out in clinical backgrounds, lab techs, LPNs, physical therapists, etc. A lot of MDs are even getting their MBAs in healthcare administration." —deliciouslyinked
