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16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Arrive on time or early

Show respect for your position and colleagues by being on time to work and for meetings your first day, and every day. "It won't hurt your career to arrive a little early, especially at the beginning. You don't have to overwork yourself, just be aware of keeping to expected time commitments," she says.

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Figure out how and when your boss likes to communicate

One of the very first things you should do is figure out their preferred method of communicating, be it email, text, IM, or in-person meetings. You should ask your manager directly – but if for some reason that isn't an option, talk to another coworker on your team.

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss


It's better to let your boss know what you're up to early on. "Find out the best reporting technique — weekly meetings or email updates or both," suggests Taylor. "It's better to take the initiative than give the misimpression you're not getting much done. No boss wants to chase you for information or lose trust in you."

Also, ask upfront how often the boss would like you to check in. It can't hurt to know whether they expect a daily progress report, or weekly. But still err on the side of over-communicating, without being annoying or needy.

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Be resourceful

Come up with solutions, not problems, from day one.

"You'll make a great first impression and accelerate your own personal growth in general if you're empathetic to the broader issues facing your boss, and help to manage up," says Taylor. "That means having solutions ready before you announce problems. You can be the voice of reason during a crisis or thinking one step ahead, versus risking the appearance of being helpless."

This practice can be especially helpful if your boss begins to show signs of having mood swings or a temper, she adds.

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Make your boss's life easier

Take time to determine what, if anything, you can do to streamline procedures that save time or money. "Just make sure you've completed your core assignments, on time and on budget," says Taylor. "Be out for the best interest of the company versus self-interest."

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Show your commitment

Demonstrate your interest in helping out from the get-go by going above and beyond and working hard. "Avoid spending time chit-chatting with coworkers at the water cooler. You can create solid new relationships during breaks or lunch," she says.

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Leave administrative questions for HR or coworkers

Don't waste your boss's time with questions you can easily look up or ask HR.

"Save project-related questions for your boss – versus inquiries on company policies or procedures," Taylor says. "Your colleagues may be able to help you find answers to basic office-related questions, too."

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Ask how you can help

Take the initiative.

"Volunteer to help your boss with key projects, even if the project is not yet on your to-do list," Taylor recommends. "If you're caught up, let your peers know that you would be glad to assist them, too. Your reputation as a team player will quickly spread, just make sure you're being genuine about it and not taking on more than you can handle."

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Be (extra) accessible

During those first few days on the job, make yourself accessible to your boss.

This doesn't mean you should stay awake all night checking your inbox (you don't want your coworkers to think they can message you at 11 p.m. and always expect a response ... you need to set boundaries early on!) — but stay connected in case anything urgent comes up.

Also, while you in the office, respond to emails, IMs, and calls as quickly as possible. Don't leave your boss hanging.

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Share your ideas

It's the rare manager who doesn't appreciate a constant flow of ideas. Even if a relatively small number of them are doable, most are at least grateful for ongoing innovative thinking, Taylor says.

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Avoid trying to impress

As Oscar Wilde said, "Be yourself; everyone else is taken."

Don't try too hard. It'll be obvious, and your new boss will probably find it annoying.

"It can be tempting to try to impress others with an elaborate vocabulary; bragging; or intimating your methods are superior, for example. But that is usually transparent in your early days at a job," Taylor explains.

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Remain friendly and professional

"Take the high road and err on the side of conservatism when you first start a job," Taylor says. "You may be approached by warring factions who want you to take sides, or be encouraged to join the gossip mill. Someone may rub you the wrong way, but by being consistent, fair, reliable, straightforward, business-minded and friendly, you'll stay on good terms with the greatest number of team members. Your boss wants to know that you 'play nicely.'"

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Befriend key colleagues

Make an effort to get to know those with whom you'll be working — not just your boss.

"You don't have to be bar buddies. Just try to create a bond since you likely share projects together, and maybe the same manager. It will make your job more enjoyable and you might learn some shortcuts along the way," she says. Plus, your new boss will take note and may conclude that you're personable, outgoing, and a good team player.

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Don't goof off

You may be intrigued by Pokemon Go, or distracted by personal texts incessantly during work hours, but this will make a bad impression on your boss who is counting on you, she says. "Keep leisure activities outside of normal working hours."

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

Avoid whining

If you're frustrated by a lack of information, little (or too much) orientation, or ambiguity on your projects, approach your boss with fact-based, non-emotional questions. Don't complain!

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

16 easy ways to impress your new boss

If you mess up, it's not necessarily over ...

"It's impossible to rewind the clock and rewrite history — and much easier to do the right thing from the start," Taylor explains. "Otherwise, you're trudging uphill to correct past words or actions."

If you're not mindful of the first impression you make with a new boss, that image can linger for quite some time, depending on the "misdeed," she warns. "It may be twice as hard to get approvals or foster trust. You may not be given plum projects or promoted as quickly. Your action (or its interpretation) may create a log jam of communication, making it increasingly uncomfortable to address."

But if you "mess up" that first impression, it doesn't mean you're definitely doomed.

"Remember not to panic. It's easy to feel that you're in a downward spiral in your new job or that you've lost your momentum," Taylor says. "But have faith. Many try to avoid confrontation in the workplace, but it's always best to clear the air early."

Think about the misimpression you may have given and decide how to counter it. For example, if you made a bad call on a project decision, own up to it and explain the corrective actions you're taking. That's far better than silence on your part.

"You can also ask your boss directly how you might repair any poor impressions or damage done," she says. "Your honesty and genuine interest in resolving issues will help engender greater trust."

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