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15 TED talks that offer career advice you've probably never heard before

Nigel Marsh's 'How to make work-life balance work'

15 TED talks that offer career advice you've probably never heard before

Daniel Kahneman's 'The riddle of experience vs. memory'

Daniel Kahneman

According to the behavioral economist, every individual is divided into an experiencing self and a remembering self. The differences between these two selves are critical to our understanding of human happiness. 

He explains that what makes you happy in the immediate present won't necessarily make you happy when you reflect on your life overall — and it's important to consider that idea the next time you're making a big decision.

Amy Cuddy's 'Your body language shapes who you are'

Amy Cuddy

In the TED talk that launched a thousand articles — so many articles that the idea hardly feels counterintuitive anymore — Harvard psychologist Cuddy argues that we are influenced by our own nonverbal cues.

It's "fake it till you make it," backed by science: By changing the way we carry our bodies, we can actually change the way we see ourselves. When you make yourself big, by stretching out and taking up space — assuming a "power pose," Cuddy calls it — you're opening up and taking on a position of power. And it works, even if you don't particularly "feel" powerful.

So perhaps it's not "fake it till you make it" after all, Cuddy concludes — instead, "fake it till you become it."

Adam Grant's 'The surprising habits of original thinkers'

Adam Grant

If fear of failure is stopping you from producing more ideas, Grant, a Wharton professor and author of "Originals," has some inspiration for you. 

"The greatest originals are the ones who fail the most, because they're the ones who try the most," he says. "You need a lot of bad ideas in order to get a few good ones."

According to Grant — who has studied many of the greats — churning out tons of ideas, even bad ones, is the key to successfully launching a game-changing idea. Producing more ideas means more variety, and this gives you a better chance of stumbling on something truly great.

Mellody Hobson's 'Color blind or color brave?'

Mellody Hobson

We like to pretend we don't see race, says Hobson, president of Ariel Investments, who notes that it's particularly easy to avoid thinking about demographics when you surround yourself with people who look like you.

But to build a society that's genuinely equitable — instead of just pretending to be equitable — "we cannot afford to be color blind," she says. "We have to be color brave." That means having open, honest, understanding, and courageous conversations about race — not, she clarifies, because it's the "right" thing to do, "but because it's the smart thing to do," in life and in business.

Her request is simple: "Observe your environment," she urges, and "invite people into your life who don't look like you, don't think like you, don't act like you, don't come from where you come from." They might challenge you, Hobson says. They might offer powerful insights. They might make you grow.

Arianna Huffington's 'How to succeed? Get more sleep'

Arianna Huffington

It's a surprisingly simple idea: The Huffington Post cofounder believes that the key to unlocking brilliance is getting a good night's sleep, which she says has the power to increase productivity, happiness, and smarter decision-making.

"I urge you to shut your eyes and discover the great ideas that lie inside us, to shut your engines and discover the power of sleep," she says.

Susan Colantuono's 'The career advice you probably didn’t get'

Susan Colantuono

There's a reason there aren't more women in the C-suite — and it's not the one you think.

Colantuono, founder and CEO of the management-consulting firm Leading Women, begins her talk with what we already know: Women are breaking through to middle management, but there aren't enough women making it all the way to the top.

The reason for that, she argues, is deceptively simple. Women are being advised to work on being great themselves, and they're being advised to cultivate greatness in others. And those are indeed two of the three major leadership tenets, she says in the talk. But nobody is talking to women about the tenets that are most important for advancement: strong business acumen and strategic thinking.

If that seems too obvious to mention — obviously hard skills matter — it isn't: Performance reviews, personal-development efforts, and mentorship programs all tend to focus on the personal and interpersonal stuff.

To close the gender gap, that needs to change — and in her talk, Colantuono outlines a plan for making that happen. 

Simon Sinek's 'How great leaders inspire action'

Simon Sinek

Every company knows what it does, says leadership expert Sinek. Most companies know how they do it. But only some know why they do it — and that's a problem, because knowing your "why" is the most important tenet of any business, hands-down.

The "why" is what motivates behavior. It's what gets people to believe in your cause. "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it," he explains in his talk. Belief matters — and that's true for selling iPhones, for motivating employees, and for inspiring social change.

Sinek points to Martin Luther King Jr. to illustrate."Dr. King gave the 'I Have a Dream' speech, not the 'I Have a Plan' speech," he points out.

Shawn Achor's 'The happy secret to better work'

Shawn Achor

Being miserable, stressed, and mildly panicked is not making any of us work any better, as much as we like to imagine it does, says Achor, a psychologist and the CEO of the Cambridge-based consulting firm GoodThink. 

Actually, the reverse is true: "If you can raise somebody's level of positivity in the present, then their brain experiences what we now call a happiness advantage," he explains. Your brain literally performs better when you're feeling positive — you're 31% more productive and 37% better at sales than when you're negative, neutral, or stressed. If you're a doctor, you're faster and more accurate.

And — as he outlines in the talk — you can train your brain to do this. By intentionally conditioning yourself to be more positive, you'll not only be happier personally, but you'll also be able to "work harder, faster, and more intelligently."  

Larry Smith's 'Why you will fail to have a great career'

Larry Smith

Straight-shooting economics professor Smith lays out all the reasons you'll fail to have a great career.

Whether you're content because you're doing something reasonably interesting, or you're too lazy or scared to take risks, Smith says you need to shake off the excuses and do something brilliant.

If you don't, even a good career — a very good career — will have been a missed opportunity.

Margaret Heffernan's 'Dare to disagree'

Margaret Heffernan

Too often, argues management expert Heffernan, people and organizations fail because everyone scared of conflict. But that's destructive — even dangerous.

Instead, we need "thinking partners who aren't echo chambers," she says. We need to overcome our neurobiological drive to find people like ourselves and seek out people who are different from us. 

It's imperative that we embrace conflict as a thinking tool, she urges — both on an individual level, and on an organizational one. Conflict is a way to identify blind spots, to see problems before they're catastrophes, and to find solutions that might never have otherwise been possible. The thesis of her talk: It's not conflict that should unsettle us. It's silence.

Sarah Lewis's 'Embrace the near win'

Sarah Lewis

"Success is a moment," says art historian and critic Lewis. But what makes a legend — what we celebrate decades later — isn't success. It's mastery. 

In her talk, she explains the difference: "Mastery is in the reaching, not the arriving. It's in constantly wanting to close that gap between where you are and where you want to be." And that perpetual reaching is more important that victory. 

"We thrive when we stay at our own leading edge," she continues. And the more we know, and the better we get, then we see more clearly what we don't know, where we can improve, and the progress still to be made. To make ourselves keep going in that pursuit, she says, we have to learn to celebrate the "near win." 

Success is motivating, but "a near win" — an almost success — "can propel us into an ongoing quest."


Angela Lee Duckworth's 'Grit: The power of passion and perseverance'

Angela Lee Duckworth

As a teacher in the New York City public schools, former management consultant Duckworth was struck by a simple question: What's the difference between kids who succeed and kids who fail?

As a research psychologist, she's been investigating that question, and the answer — for kids and for adults alike — isn't ability. It's not IQ. It's not looks, and it's not social intelligence. It's grit.

"Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals," she explains in the talk. "Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality." Grit, Duckworth says, is playing the long game — and it's (much) more predictive of success than talent.

Stefan Sagmeister's 'The power of time off'

Stefan Sagmeister

Every seven years, Sagmeister, a graphic designer, closes his studio for an entire year.

During that time, he's not available to clients. The place is completely shut down. And, he reports, those sabbaticals have been incredibly valuable for him — and his business. 

Taking a break allows him to get close to design again, and — it goes without saying — taking a break is fun. But it's also productive, he tells the audience. "Financially, seen over the long term, it was actually successful." His work got better, he explains, which allowed him to ask for higher prices.

And most importantly, he had ideas. "Basically everything we've done in the seven years following the first sabbatical comes out of thinking of that one single year." 


Bel Pesce's '5 ways to kill your dreams'

Bel Pesce

According to Pesce, an entrepreneur, there are five ways to kill your dreams:

• Believe in overnight success
• Believe someone else has the answers
• Believe you should settle once everything's going well
• Believe everything is someone else's fault
• Believe only goals matter

"Life is never about the goals themselves," she argues in her talk. The problem with that mindset isn't that dreams aren't worth achieving — obviously, they are. "But achieving a dream is a momentary sensation," Pesce notes, "and your life is not."

A dream can't carry you through, unless the plan is to die the moment you achieve it. "The only way to really achieve all of your dreams is to fully enjoy every step of your journey," she says. 

Rachel Sugar contributed to an earlier version of this article.

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