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14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you

You loathe Sundays

As the Bangles noted in "Manic Monday," Sunday should be a fun day (and maybe even a productive day, if you're feeling fancy)!

Sure, it's fine to be a little sad that the weekend's over. However, if you spend Sundays dreading work, that's a pretty clear sign that something wrong.

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you

Your job is making you sad

Everyone has bad days at work — even people who thoroughly enjoy their jobs! It's unhealthy and unrealistic to want to be happy all the time (go for contentment, instead).

Still, if you feel like your job is adversely affecting your mood in general, maybe it's time to switch things up.

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you

You get terrible feedback

You feel like everything's just fine. Your managers disagree, barraging you with negative review after negative review.

If this sounds like you, you're probably not just wrong for the job — you might be out of a job soon.

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you

You're in a dying industry

Things might be going fine at work, but does that matter when your job is about to go the way of the Dodo?

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you

Your boss is out to get you

Let's be real, you're not going to click with every manager. However, that doesn't mean that things need to become contentious. If you feel like your boss is gunning for you.

In fact, if you feel like your boss is gunning for you, you get out quick and avoid suffering through a toxic work environment.

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you

Getting to work is a fight

Most days, you seriously consider calling in sick. It's a major struggle to convince yourself to get out from under the covers. There's loving your bed and then there's having no motivation to head to work.

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you

Your work-life balance is terrible

Obviously, some jobs are more stressful and time intensive than others. It's up to you to determine what an acceptable trade-off is.

That being said, there are certain times when enough is enough. In many cases, overworking yourself will only harm your personal and professional lives in the long run. Don't burn yourself out. Look for other opportunities that will allow you to live a well-rounded life.

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you

You're unable to advance

Your job's okay, but you want more and there don't appear to be many opportunities to move up in the company. If that's the case, start looking outside your workplace for advancement.

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you

You're embarrassed by your job

When all your friends begin swapping wacky and fun work stories at Happy Hour, you have to fight the urge to down your drink and head for the door. You don't have any to share, and that makes you pretty sad. Or maybe you just find what you do somewhat humiliating. That's a terrible position to be in. It's also a signal that you need to plan your escape as soon as possible.

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you

You're not being paid what you're worth

This one's pretty straightforward. Don't tolerate being undervalued by a company, no matter how many promises they make about future raises and promotions.

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you

You feel completely apathetic about the company

At a certain level, you can't really stand your company. The founder's a dolt. You roll your eyes at the organization's values. The mission statement is nonsensical. Even it's stupid logo irks you.

If you're disdainful or apathetic about every aspect of your organization, you should probably move to somewhere that'll provide a better fit.

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you

You're not learning anything

As Business Insider previously reported, your learning habits should be a bit like an angry great white shark — aggressive and never stopping.

If you aren't learning anything new on the job, then what are you doing there?

14 signs you're in the wrong job

14 signs you

You don't get along with anyone at work

You might've gotten stuck with a group of coworkers that are just bad news, or maybe you're the problem person in the group. Perhaps your personality just clashes with the industry or your specific company's culture. Either way, working with a group of people you can't stand isn't a great situation to find yourself in.

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