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CAMERON: Boris Johnson and the Leave campaign are 'literally making it up as they go along'

Mar 15, 2016, 19:08 IST

Prime Minister David Cameron (R) stands with London Mayor Boris Johnson as the Olympic cauldron is lit for the Paralympic Games in Trafalgar Square on August 24, 2012 in London, England. The London 2012 Paralympic Games open on August 29, 2012 for 12 days.Getty


David Cameron has criticised Boris Johnson's suggestion that a Britain outside of the EU could follow the Canadian model of getting rid of tariffs and having free trade deals with other EU-member nations. Speaking to dock workers in Felixstowe, Suffolk, on Tuesday, Cameron said people who advocate this view are "literally making it up as they go along."

Last week Johnson told a crowd of factory workers in Kent that Britain could copy Canada's way of trading with the European Union. "I think we can strike a deal as the Canadians have done based on trade and getting rid of tariffs," he said.

But on Tuesday Johnson backtracked on his comments slightly, telling LBC radio there were only parts of the Canadian model he would like to copy.

"I think there are elements of the Canada deal I like. We should do a British deal ... There are elements of the Canadian deal that show, in my view, that the Remain campaign are, as usual, trying to panic people."


Cameron seized on Johnson's slight change of tone to accuse the Leave campaign, of which Johnson is the key figure and unofficial leader, of making things up. Here's the important bit from Cameron's speech, the added emphasis is ours.

"But a Canada-style free trade deal means you do not have full access for your financial services, you have to pay tariffs on your cars, you don't have full access for your farmers' produce. So it's not a great deal for Britain.

Canada is a country 4,000 miles away from the continent of Europe that does 10% of its trade with the European Union. We are a country just 20-odd miles from the continent of Europe and we do 50% of our trade with the European Union. So a Canada deal is not the right deal for us.

Now today the leaders of the Leave campaign are saying they don't really want a Canada deal at all, that they were not right about that. They are literally making it up as they go along. They are rolling the dice. They are taking a risk. And they are taking a risk with people's jobs, taking a risk with families' finances, and I don't think that is good enough for the British people."

One of the biggest weaknesses with the Leave campaign is that it is struggling to present a consistent vision of what Britain will look like outside of the EU to the public. Cameron and the Remain campaign are clearly aware of this and see it as a weakness they can exploit.


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