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Cadbury Changed Its Creme Egg Recipe And People Are Freaking Out

Jan 12, 2015, 23:42 IST

The makers of Cadbury Creme Eggs are facing a backlash after changing the recipe for the beloved chocolate treats.


Kraft Foods, which acquired Cadbury in 2010, has stopped using Cadbury's Dairy Milk for the shell of the Easter treats, and is instead using a "a standard, traditional Cadbury milk chocolate," CNN reports.

UK media has outlets have called it an "outrage" and "a bilateral attack on the glory of Easter" that has left the "nation in shock."

A spokesman for Mondelez International, a spinoff of Kraft, told The Sun: "It's no longer Dairy Milk. It's similar, but not exactly Dairy Milk. We tested the new one with consumers. It was found to be the best one for the Creme Egg, which is why we've used it this year."

People expressed their outrage over the change on social media.

The changes will only affect Cadbury Creme Eggs sold in the UK, according to CNN.  We reached out to the company for comment and will update when we hear back.
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