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Sundram Fasteners donates Rs 3 cr for COVID-19 relief; Takes multi-dimensional efforts during lockdown


Sundram Fasteners donates Rs 3 cr for COVID-19 relief; Takes multi-dimensional efforts during lockdown
Business1 min read
Chennai, Apr 22 (): Sundram Fasteners Ltd on Wednesdaysaid it has introduced work from home for its staff and takenvarious initiatives, including assistance for the migrantworkers, during the COVID-19 lockdown.The company also said it has donated Rs three crore tothe Tamil Nadu Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund towardscombating the coronavirus pandemic. In a statement, it said 'multi-dimensional' efforts weretaken prior to the lock-down and guidelines were provided toits employees after the shutdown. Detailing some of the initiatives, Sundram Fasteners saidahead of the lock-down announced last month the factory wascleaned on a daily-basis and employees were advised againsttaking up business and personal travel to coronavirus affectedstates. The concept of work from home was introduced among staffand meetings were also held via video-conferencing. During the lock-down period, the company said a sessionwas held for all crisis managers by senior psychologists onmental health while the provision of food, kits and masks weregiven to the migrant workers at its factories. The safety and security of housekeeping staff who areengaged in maintaining the company premises during lock-downwas also closely monitored,it said. VIJVS VS

