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SECL registers 1MT single day production amid nationwide lockdown


SECL registers 1MT single day production amid nationwide lockdown
Kolkata, Mar31 () South Eastern Coalfields Ltd(SECL), the largest coal producing subsidiary of Coal IndiaLtd, became the first coal company to produce one milliontonnes of dry fuel in a single day amid the countrywidelockdown to contain coronavirus.

The SECL contributes almost a fourth of the totalproduction of the Maharatna PSU.

The SECL has produced record one million tonnes ofcoal in a single day on March 27, highest ever by any companytill date amid the coronavirus crisis," a company officialsaid.

Coal mining activity and its transportation has beendeclared as Essential Service during the lockdown due toCOVID-19 outbreak.

Owing to huge production loss due to deluge in themines this monsoon, the SECL output in this year is likely tofall short of its previous year's production of 157 milliontonnes, the official said.

But it will able to surpass the 150 million tonne markand retain the top producer rank among the six Coal Indiasubsidiaries.

"The SECL is striving relentlessly in producing coalto meet the power generation requirement of the country," hesaid.

Meanwhile, in its fight against the coronaviruspandemic, the company is contributing funds under CSR tovarious districts in its command area, the official said. BSMMM MM

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