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Remission of tax on exported products welcome, says TEA

Remission of tax on exported products welcome, says TEA
Coimbatore, Mar 13 () The Tirupur ExportersAssociation (TEA) on Friday thanked the cabinet committee oneconomic affairs for giving approval to remission of dutiesand taxes on exported products (RoDTEP), which, theassociation said, was a great relief to the knitwearexporters.

At present, GST taxes and import or customs dutiesfor inputs required to manufacture exported products areeither exempted or refunded.

However, certain taxes/duties/levies are outside GST,and are not refunded for exports such as VAT on fuel used intransportation and duty on electricity used duringmanufacturing, TEA president Raja M Shanmugham said in astatement.

These would be covered for reimbursement under theRoDTEP scheme and the rebate would be claimed as a percentageof the freight-on-board value of exports, he added. NVMNVG NVG
