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Only a quarter of truckers use C.H. Robinson, America's largest freight brokerage - and it explains why tech giants have been vying to disrupt trucking

Nov 23, 2019, 19:38 IST

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

  • Tech giants like Uber and startups like Convoy are rushing to disrupt America's trucking industry.
  • An unexpected focal point for them is owner-operators and small trucking companies.
  • But C.H. Robinson, currently America's largest trucking with $16.6 billion in revenue last year, is realizing that small businesses may be its weak spot - and it's introducing new tools to keep or attract small players.
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C.H. Robinson claims a market share among the largest players in its industry that most companies would be envious of. Among all trucking companies with more than 400 trucks, 100% of them use C.H. Robinson as a freight broker.

But, that only works out to a few companies. The trucking industry is infamously fragmented. Around 91% of trucking companies operate six trucks or fewer, according to the American Trucking Associations.

Among those smaller carriers that make up the majority of the market, C.H. Robinson doesn't have the same sort of market share, according to an Oct. UBS Evidence Lab report. Instead, UBS' transportation equity research team found that 23% of carriers with 1-5 trucks use C.H. Robinson, compared to 100% of America's largest trucking comapnies and 26% of all trucking companies.

Shayanne Gal/Business Insider


It's encouraging a small-business-focused strategy from Uber Freight, Convoy, and others

That glut of small businesses - many of whom still run their businesses on email and phone calls - makes it clear why loads of truck brokerage startups are flooding the industry. And, more importantly, it explains their small-business-focused service offerings.

Amazon, Uber, and Oracle, along with startups like Convoy and Transfix, have rushed into the trucking space. "Over the past few years, we have seen a large uptick in the amount of venture capital investments entering the trucking market," according to a July 10 Goldman Sachs analyst note.

Read more: Uber and a slew of startups are rushing to disrupt the trucking industry. Old school incumbents are meeting the challenge head on.

AP Photo/Ingrid Barrentine

Many of those companies focus their brand messsaging and product development on tools that improve the lives of truck drivers:

  • Both Uber Freight and Convoy have software tools for small businesses to manage their transportation.
  • A feature introduced in Jan. from Uber Freight allows truck drivers to rate shippers, a feature intended to make it easier for truck drivers to get detention and be more quickly loaded or unloaded. As of July, some 52% of truck drivers are leaving reviews. "Those carriers are hungry for a voice," Uber Freight head Lior Ron previously told Business Insider.
  • Convoy's Automatic Reloads tool, which was released in June, was communicated as one that could ease truck driver's biggest financial strains - empty miles.
  • Convoy frames its automated freight matching service as one that reduces the time drivers need to spend calling or faxing, and ensure that they always receive detention pay.
  • Transfix CEO Drew McElroy has also spoken on how automating the freight brokerage process can make truck drivers lives easier. "If you can get more intelligent about execution, you create a situation that's a win-win for everybody," McElroy previously told Business Insider. "You create value simply by eliminating waste."
  • Transfix rolled out My Lanes and Reserved Lanes last month to help truck drivers "personalize" their freight.

UBS highlighted Convoy, founded in 2015 by former Amazon workers Dan Lewis and Grant Goodale, in its report as a key tech player that's challenging longtime incumbents like J.B. Hunt and C.H. Robinson. Uber Freight, meanwhile, is the most-downloaded freight brokerage app for truck drivers, UBS found.

C.H. Robinson isn't letting the tech players gobble up small business

For its part, major incumbents like C.H. Robinson are also focusing on owner-operators and small carriers. One way to do that is offering an app for drivers to download on their phone. UBS analysts noted in its report that apps from C.H. Robinson, TQL, and J.B. Hunt were gaining momentum, while downloads of Uber Freight were actually slowing.

"We see our total addressable market in the U.S. being about two million customers," Bob Biesterfeld, CEO of C.H. Robinson, told Business Insider. "About 1.9 million are in that SMB space, customers that do less than $10 million worth of revenue."

Shayanne Gal/Business Insider

"Our third app downloads report shows rising momentum in the share of downloads for the two largest brokers C.H. Robinson and TQL," UBS analysts wrote. "This indicates that while the new, tech focused players (Uber Freight, Convoy) have a presence in the market, the incumbents are also competing well in terms of using technology to expand connectivity with carriers and shippers."


Read more: Convoy just got another $400 million to fight Uber Freight for control of the digital-freight market. Its ex-Amazon cofounder revealed to us the next steps for the $2.75 billion company's quest to dominate truck brokerage.

Along with a September announcement that it would double its technology spend over the next five years, C.H. Robinson launched Freightquote by C.H. Robinson earlier this month, allowing small shippers to also quickly access freight moves on through a mobile app.

"We see this as the starting point in the evolution of how we work with those small and medium businesses," Biesterfeld said. "But it's one that we'll continue to build upon."

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