"RSBVL, a wholly owned subsidiary of
A further investment of up to ₹160 crore is expected to be completed by March, 2023.
"The total investment will translate into about 80.3 per cent of equity share capital in Strand on a fully diluted basis," it said.
Strand was incorporated in India on October 6, 2000. It is a pioneer of genomic testing in India with bioinformatics software and clinical research solutions to healthcare providers, including clinicians, hospitals, medical devices manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies.
Strand's turnover was ₹88.70 crore, ₹109.84 crore and ₹96.60 crore in FY2021, FY2020 and FY 2019, respectively. It reported a net profit of ₹8.48 crore in FY2021 but had a loss of ₹25.04 crore in the prior fiscal year and ₹21.66 crore in FY2019.
"The aforesaid investment is part of group's digital health initiatives, to foster affordable access to world-class technology and innovation-led healthcare ecosystem in India," Reliance said adding no governmental or regulatory approvals were required for the said investment.
The investment, it said, does not fall within related party transactions and none of RIL's promoter / promoter group / group companies have any interest in the transaction.