"Our team of sourcing and procurement specialists arerising to the occasion, often braving multiple odds to ensurethat essential activities do not take a hit during thelockdown," mjunction MD Vinaya Varma said.
mjunction's procurement team has been working toensure that purchases and procurement for Bokaro GeneralHospital, IISCO Burnpur Hospital and JLN Hospital & ResearchCentre of SAIL happen without a glitch, he said.
"These include masks, medicines, sanitisers,ventilators and other essential items," the Tata Steel-SAILjoint venture company said.
It also processed a tender "in record time" to helpprocure five lakh masks, PPE kits and examination gloves forthe Chhattisgarh Medical Service Corporation Ltd.
Ever since the nationwide lockdown began, "mjunctionhas e-auctioned 5.5 lakh tonnes of food grains for FoodCorporation of India", the company said. BSMRBT RBT