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Intelligent machines challenge to job creation: Sharma


Intelligent machines challenge to job creation: Sharma
Kolkata, Mar 5 () With India having a vast pool ofyoung population, the rise in use of intelligent machinesposes a challenge to job creation in the country, secretary tothe Union ministry of science and technology, Ashutosh Sharma,said on Thursday.

Another challenge faced by technology is ensuringsustainable development, he said.

Sharma said intelligent machines are emanating fromnations with a greying population such as Japan and Germany.

"These countries cannot grow economically withoutintelligent machines. The situation is just the opposite inIndia which has a vast young population. Since we cannot stopthe march of technology, planners in India must figure out howto create jobs in a changing environment," Sharma said at anevent of the Merchants' Chambers of Commerce & Industry here.

Diffusion of technology is not as rapid in MSMEs as itis in large companies, he said.

Sharma said the department has introduced a new policy- Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR).

"Connecting with MSMEs is part of SSR policy. SSR hasthe potential to fundamentally transform society by improvinglives of our citizens while helping the nation achieve itsgoals for sustainable development," Sharma added.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds earmarkedby companies can be used for R&D purpose now, he said addingthat a corporate can now finance an R&D project from its CSRfund, with matching contribution by the government.

He said India is ranked third in the number of start-ups.

The country has 28,000 start-ups of which 15,000 arebased on technology. The department is supporting 3,000start-ups through 120 incubators, he said. dcNN NN

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