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COVID-19: UPL pledges Rs 75 cr to PM-CARES Fund

Apr 3, 2020, 18:23 IST
Mumbai, Apr 3 () The country's largest crop protection company UPL on Friday pledged Rs 75 crore to the PM-CARES Fund to help fight the deadly COVID-19 disease in India.

The company said it is also supplying personal protective equipments to health workers and has also kept two educational institutions at Vapi in south Gujarat as standby facilities to help keep quarantined patients, according to an official statement.


"These are very challenging times for the entire mankind, and we find ourselves dutybound to serve the nation an-d assist with our resources and expertise in this critical fight," UPL Chief Executive Officer Jai Shroff said.

The statement said the company is also engaging 200 modern mechanical spraying machines (falcons) and 225 staff members to contain the spread of Coronavirus.

The teams are providing services of disinfectant spraying at various public and private spaces such as hospitals, streets, police stations, railway stations, municipal corporations.

They have sprayed 11.5 lakh litre of disinfectant solution in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Telangana, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh, the statement said.


Apart from this, the company has also mobilised operational capabilities to manufacture hand sanitizers as per WHO guidelines for distribution to police and municipal corporations, it said. AA RUJRUJ

(This story has not been edited by www.businessinsider.in and is auto–generated from a syndicated feed we subscribe to.)
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