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BRICS CCI summit discusses international law issues

Feb 24, 2020, 20:57 IST
New Delhi, Feb 24 () BRICS Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BRICS CCI) on Monday said it has organized the second annual direct tax summit where trends and issues related to international tax was discussed in detail.

"The day long summit saw an eminent list of delegates discussing recent trends and issues in the field of international tax and identified the best methods for integrating into the new systems while derivingthe most tax benefits," the chamber said in a statement.


BBL Madhukar, Founder, Director General of BRICS Chamberof Commerce and Industry, said that it was an endeavour to facilitate an economic ecosystem which not only seamless in terms of transactions and regulations but helps us aggregate global trade.

"Forums like these will help us better understand the direct tax amendments proposed in the Union Budget 2020 and will also help us in developing a global transfer pricing risk strategy by identifying the best methods for integration into the new systems while deriving the most tax benefits," he said. RR MRMR

(This story has not been edited by www.businessinsider.in and is auto–generated from a syndicated feed we subscribe to.)
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