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Blade Runner's art director Syd Mead is a huge fan of Tesla's new Cybertruck

Nov 23, 2019, 08:09 IST


  • Blade Runner artistic director Syd Mead called the Cybertruck "stylistically breathtaking."
  • Elon Musk had previously said the truck would look like a vehicle from the popular sci-fi movie.
  • Mead also told Business Insider that he was "truly flattered" that Musk had taken inspiration from the movie.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Syd Mead, the artistic director behind popular sci-fi movie Blade Runner, said in an emailed statement to Business Insider that Tesla's new Cybertruck "has completely changed the vocabulary of the personal truck market design."

Mead called the futuristic-looking design "stylistically breathtaking" and said it went beyond his expectations.

When Elon Musk first announced the truck last November, he told Recode's Kara Swisher that the truck would "look like something out of 'Blade Runner.'" Mead said in his statement that, "as a long time admirer of Elon Musk, [he] was truly flattered" to hear that the Cybertruck would take a cue from the movie.

Not everyone has had such positive reactions to Tesla's latest design, and some launch event hiccups didn't help, but Mead's words are high praise.


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