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Berger provides financial support for paint contractors amid lockdown


Berger provides financial support for paint contractors amid lockdown
Kolkata, Apr 13 () Berger Paints India Ltd onMonday said it has come forward to help its 20,000 oddpainting contractors across the country to tide over thecoronavirus crisis through financial assistance as the ongoingnationwide lockdown to contain the COVID-19 outbreak is set tobe extended by two more weeks till April-end.

The money will help contractors' families to get dailyessentials and cater to any emergency at a time when theirincomes have taken a hit as all painting activities came to "ascreeching halt with the lockdown in place", the company saidin a statement.

The paint maker is providing an advance to them andthe support varies per contractor, it said.

The average financial assistance per contractor isaround Rs 5,500, a company official said.

Berger has already started the process of transferringmoney directly into the bank accounts of the contractors whohave been associated with the company, the official said.

More than 5,000 contractors have already received thefinancial support last week under the first phase of theprogramme.

"The painting contractors have always been an integralpart of the larger Berger family and we feel humbled that weare in a position to support them in this hour of need," thecompany's MD and CEO Abhijit Roy said.

He also hoped that the government will take measuresto restart economic activity through ease of restrictions inareas unaffected by the coronavirus pandemic. BSMBDC BDC

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