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Business Insider Is Hiring A Contributors Intern

Jan 13, 2015, 21:20 IST

Daniel GoodmanBusiness Insider is looking for a paid intern to join Business Insider's Contributors team. This team manages BI's network of 500+ syndication partnerships, and also takes the lead on exciting special projects that help the site grow.


This internship will teach you the ins and outs of how a digital news site operates, from selecting stories to forming strategic editorial partnerships. You will also build your editing, communication, and management skills-all valuable tools that will serve you well no matter where you work.

The ideal candidate is a highly organized person who gets details right the first time. They also must be able to juggle a variety of tasks on a daily basis and have a good instinct for what readers will find interesting.

Among other things, this intern's responsibilities would be to:

  • Assist the Contributors editor with managing special projects and top syndication partnerships
  • Review and select stories from our partners and rewrite headlines to fit Business Insider style (piques your curiosity without overselling)
  • Become familiar with verticals and search for potential syndication partners

A background in journalism or experience with managing a blog is a huge plus. Copy-editing skills and light HTML will come in handy, too. We're looking for a voracious news reader who is eager to learn more about the digital media world.


APPLY HERE if interested.

Please note that this internship requires that you work in our Manhattan office. The internship term runs for approximately six months, with some flexibility on start and end dates.

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