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Britney Spears Tweeted A Joke About The Shutdown

Oct 3, 2013, 00:35 IST

Ethan Miller/GettyBritney Spears' media team tries to make a funny.

Britney Spears is back, people!


Not only does the pop star have a $30 million residence deal at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, but her latest single "Work B**ch" clearly shows the singer knows the importance of hard work.

In the music video released today, Spears sings:

You wanna hot body
You want a bugatti
You wanna maseratti
You better work bitch

Spears promoted the new music video on her Twitter account today, by joking about the government shutdown.


Touché, Britney Spears' media team!

Now get to work watching Britney's comeback video below:

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