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Britain's historic winter weather is giving away the location of secret cannabis farms

Mar 2, 2018, 23:16 IST

PC Caroline Foster/Twitter

  • Britain's historic winter weather has given away the location of a secret £80,000 cannabis farm.
  • Yorkshire police found the grow operation when they noticed it didn't have any snow on its roof.
  • Cannabis cultivation requires significant warmth and light, normally provided by heat lamps.

Britain's historic snow and icy weather isn't just causing disruption to ordinary folk - it's also proving a nightmare for some operating on the wrong side of the law.

On Thursday, police busted an £80,000 cannabis farm in Keighley, West Yorkshire. How? Because they noticed snow wasn't settling on the roof the building that hid it.

Cannabis cultivation requires significant warmth, so most illicit grow operations use heat lamps to provide heat and light to the plants. If not properly insulated, this heat can radiate out into the surrounding area, a dead giveaway if it means yours is the only house on the street without snow on its roof.

(Police also use heat-sensing cameras to find cannabis grows in more inclement weather - as do some enterprising criminals out to steal other cannabis growers' crops.)

Police constable Caroline Foster shared photos of the raid on Twitter, and wrote: "Whilst the snow has kept the burglars at bay it has also helped us in finding some rather large plants.. hmmm I wonder why there is no snow on your roof??"

The police seized more than 280 plants from the property, she said, with some of them reaching more than six feet in height.

PC Caroline Foster/Twitter

Police community support officer James Butterfield tweeted that the total value of the grow was around £80,000: "Removing this filth from the streets is always great. Knowing that the morons responsible for it are £80k out of pocket is a Brucey bonus!"

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