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BREAKING: Apple Beats Samsung In Latest Patent Trial

May 3, 2014, 05:24 IST

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

The eight-person jury in the Apple-Samsung patent trial has come to a verdict: Samsung infringed on at least one of Apple's patents and will have to pay up.


This comes after weeks of arguments from both sides.

For those who haven't been keeping up with the case, Apple claimed that Samsung had infringed on five of its patents.

As compensation for those infringements, the company claimed that Samsung owed fees to the tune of approximately $2 billion.

Samsung, on the other hand, argued that Apple infringed on two of its patents and therefore due about $6.2 million. It also tried to argue that, even if it did infringe on Apple's patents, it should only have to pay about $38 million.


(This story is developing...)

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