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BRAND NEW: Here's Paul Ryan's Plan To Balance The Budget Within 10 Years

BRAND NEW: Here's Paul Ryan's Plan To Balance The Budget Within 10 Years

Paul Ryan is back!

He says he can grow the economy and get to a balanced budget within 10 years.

The basic idea?

  • Tax reform. Eliminating loopholes. Reducing the top rate significantly. He wants to get to just two tax brackets.
  • Cutting discretionary spending. He proposes a hard cap on spending relative to GDP. He wants more spending block granted to states.
  • He favors killing Obamacare, although as Phillip Klein notes, he assumes Obamacare's Medicare savings stay.
  • Establishing his voucher-based alternative to Medicare.

He says the plan -- which still remains somewhat vague -- even in the over 90 page document below would secure $4.6 trillion in deficit reductions over the next 10 years.

Here's the trajectory of spending under his plan.

Paul Ryan government spending

Paul Ryan

And here's the plan which will be announced at a press conference at 10:30.

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