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Box Puts End to 'Storage Wars' With Unlimited Storage Space

Jul 16, 2014, 00:45 IST
Business Insider / Matthew LynleyBox CEO Aaron Levie declared the "end of the storage wars" today, as he rolled out unlimited storage space to its Business customers. Box already gave unlimited storage space to its more-expensive Enterprise plan users since 2010, so today's announcement essentially removes all storage limitations for Box's corporate clients. "Storage only matters when it's a roadblock, and we're excited to make these limits a thing of the past for our Business customers as well," Levie said in a blog post. "This may seem like the escalation of a storage war, but we're actually approaching the end of one." Levie emphasized that the cost of storage has dropped by a factor of more than 22,000 over the past 20 years, and noted his competitors like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon have all significantly increased cloud storage space in recent weeks. "Competition for enterprise customers will no longer be about how much information a solution enables them to store, but rather, what it helps them do with that information," Levie said. Box also introduced two new integrations with Microsoft Office 365, called Box for Office 2013 and Box for Outlook 2013. Box for Office allows users to open, edit, save, and share any file from Box within Word, PowerPoint, and Excel; Box for Outlook enables users to quickly share links to files already stored in Box. All new and existing Box Business customers will get unlimited storage from today, but the Microsoft integration will only be available in beta starting this fall. Today's announcement comes less than a week after Amazon introduced its own enterprise cloud file storage and collaboration service called Zocalo, which some call the "Box-killer."Disclosure: Jeff Bezos is an investor in Business Insider through his personal investment company Bezos Expeditions.
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