What the marathon is all about:
Runner gave out near 26 mile mark, right by the site where 1st bomb went off. 1 guy stopped to help, then another pic.twitter.com/gcwMxpssdK
- Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) April 21, 2014
Runner gave out near 26 mile mark, right by the site where 1st bomb went off. 1 guy stopped to help, then another pic.twitter.com/gcwMxpssdK
- Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) April 21, 2014
But his legs just couldn't do it. The group struggled a few feet. Another man stopped to help, and a woman pic.twitter.com/nM8FGP9Vgx
- Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) April 21, 2014
Determined, the two new saviors lifted his legs. He had just a few hundred feet to go. They would get him there pic.twitter.com/5tXvNyDGUJ
- Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) April 21, 2014
The crowd exploded into loudest cheer I've heard today. Walking, then jogging, they all, all 5, finished the race pic.twitter.com/HE4QJnh35L
- Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) April 21, 2014
Based on the timing of the tweets, it was an group of amateur runners, not elites. Wonderful.