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'Borat' comedian Sacha Baron Cohen seems to be taking aim at Trump with a new project

Jul 5, 2018, 19:30 IST

Evan Vucci/AP; Cindy Ord/Getty

  • Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen shared a Twitter video on July 4 that appeared to tease a new Trump-themed project.
  • The video featured footage of Trump mocking Cohen, with a line of superimposed text that reads, "Sacha graduates soon," followed by an insignia of the defunct Trump University.

Comedian and filmmaker Sacha Baron Cohen took to Twitter on July 4 to tease what appears to be a new project focused on President Trump. 

Cohen shared a video labeled, "A message from your President @realDonaldTrump on Independence Day," which featured footage of Trump mocking Cohen while sitting at a desk, saying the comedian should "go to school" to "learn about being funny" because "you don't know s---." 

The video features superimposed text that reads, regarding Cohen, "He's back as you've never seen him before." It concludes with the line, "Sacha graduates soon," followed by an insignia for Trump's defunct Trump University.

Already anticipating the project, actress and model Pamela Anderson, who appeared in Cohen's 2006 film "Borat," replied to the video saying, "I can't wait for this ... all in good fun on Sacha's part." 

Cohen and Trump have a history of mocking each other that dates back to the early 2000s. Cohen interviewed Trump on his parody talk show "Da Ali G Show" in 2003. Trump tweeted in 2012, "I never fall for scams. I am the only person who immediately walked out of my 'Ali G' interview." Cohen's absurdist 2016 film "Grimsby" concluded with Trump contracting AIDS in a freak accident. 

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