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Boehner Will Support Obama's Syria Plan - 'This Is Something The Country Needs To Do'

Brett LoGiurato   

Boehner Will Support Obama's Syria Plan - 'This Is Something The Country Needs To Do'

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House Speaker John Boehner said Tuesday that he would support President Barack Obama's plan for limited military action in Syria, saying that it's "something the country needs to do."

Boehner addressed reporters after a meeting Tuesday morning between Obama and Congressional leaders on Syria.

"I'm going to support the president's call for action, and I believe my colleagues should," Boehner said.

Boehner's support is significant for passage in a couple of ways. He rarely gets out publicly ahead of his Republican conference, so it suggests that he feels strongly about the issue.

And it signals that Boehner will be a crucial, active voice in getting other House Republicans to support the authorization of military force. This is important in the House, where passage faces a much more uncertain path than in the Senate.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi echoed Boehner's support, saying that she associates herself with Boehner's remarks.

"President Obama did not draw the red line. Humanity drew it," Pelosi said.


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