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Board Game 'Ouija' Is Getting Turned Into A Horror Movie - Here's The First Trailer

Jul 17, 2014, 02:42 IST

Universal/Ouija trailer


Remember when "Battleship" was turned into a movie in 2012? Later this year, mystery game Ouija is getting the same treatment.

Universal just put out the first trailer for "Ouija," an adaptation of the Hasbro spirit talking board game that will be released in theaters this October.

Here's the synopsis for the film:

"In Ouija, a group of friends must confront their most terrifying fears when they awaken the dark powers of an ancient spirit board."


While you may be quick to write off another board game adaptation, Andrew Form, Brad Fuller, and Jason Blum - the minds behind some of the biggest recent horror series including "The Purge," "Friday the 13th," "Paranormal Activity," and "Insidious" - are working on the film. The movie is also being produced by Michael Bay.

The film feels like a horror version of 1995's "Jumanji."

"Ouija" is in theaters October 24. Watch the trailer below.

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