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Blogs Outrank Social Networks In Influence

Heather Leonard   

Blogs Outrank Social Networks In Influence

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Blogs Outrank Social Networks In Terms Of Influence (Technorati via Social Media Examiner)
The latest findings from Technorati’s 2013 Digital Influence Report show that “consumers are turning to blogs when looking to make a purchase.” In fact, blogs rank favorably with consumers for trust, popularity and even influence.

The report found that blogs are now the third-most influential digital resource (31 percent) when making overall purchases, behind retail sites (56 percent) and brand sites (34 percent). Read >>

TV Analogies: Twitter Is Live, Facebook Is DVR (Search Engine Land)
When you follow someone on Twitter, you see everything they post. When you follow someone on Facebook, it decides what you see. Which is right? Probably both, and it comes down to the live TV versus DVR personalities of each service. When you follow accounts on Twitter, everything they post flows into your Twitter timeline. You’re going to see it all. Twitter’s not sitting behind the scenes trying to decide what non-paid tweets it thinks are more important and should be shown nor what should be held back. In contrast to Twitter, Facebook acts more like a DVR. Yes, you can view your Facebook news feed and see things appearing in a timely manner. But Facebook also does what Twitter does not. It effectively records your social media for you. Some items shown may be hours old. Read >>

The Six Stages Of Social Business Transformation (Altimeter Group via LinkedIn)
In business, social media is becoming a lot like email: every company has it. But, unlike email, organizations haven’t mastered how to effectively communicate through the likes of Facebook or the tweets of Twitter. Here's how they transform:

There is also a common thread of best practices that help businesses navigate the six stages more effectively, or the success factors of social business.

It takes a change agent to guide development in a way that delivers value to stakeholders. Read >>

The Problems Brands Have Working With Influencers (readwrite social)
Advertising used to be easy. Social media has changed that forever. Part of this complexity manifests itself in the difficulty of tracking down those who can spread a brand's message effectively. And once you've identified the influencers, you still have to get them to play ball. That's when the real disconnect between brands and influencers becomes apparent:

  1. Problem 1: Getting Noticed
  2. Problem 2: Influence Is A Closely Guarded Position
  3. Problem 3: Brands Are Brands

It's a question of balance – brands can't expect to have every little thing tweaked to their satisfaction in a non-traditional advertising environment. Read >>

The Anatomy Of Consumer Intent In Social Media (GoChime)
Expressions of intent are conversations, posts, and comments that communicate a person's unique needs, feelings, ownership, activity, location, purchase consideration, etc.

Let's break down the anatomy of this intent expression in this tweet example:

We know a lot about this person. They own a dog. They take it for walks and visit the dog park. He's in the market for a new dog leash, and presently he could use some empathy to sooth his frustration. It's this profile of a consumer that allows the brands to intelligently engage this person in social media by tweeting to them or targeting hyper-relevant Facebook ads to them in real-time. Read >>

How To Make Space For Social Media (Harvard Business Review)
Few professionals were sitting at their desks in 2004, eyeing the empty slots in their calendars and wishing that somebody would just invent a new way of communicating to fill those long and lonely minutes. People's calendars were already full. Social media demanded attention. It had to be put into the rotation, but that doesn't mean we took something else off our calendars to accommodate it. Instead we just added it to the marketing teams' tasks, challenging them to figure it out until they could make a business case for hiring full-time social media staffers. Flash forward a decade, and any organization with serious social media ambitions has those full-time staffers. They've expanded teams and reassigned resources by eliminating now-deprecated communications channels. Read >>

The Top Most Influential Pinners (HelloSociety via SocialTimes)
What’s surprising about the top pinners is not who they are, but where they live. Read >>

Top 100 Most Influential Pinners



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