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Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds finally revealed the name of their daughter

Dec 22, 2016, 01:10 IST

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images


The INSIDER Summary:

• Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds reveal their second daughter is named Ines.
• The name means "pure" or "virginal."
• It's derived from Agnes.

Blake Livey and Ryan Reynolds are back in the spotlight.

The couple, who have two daughters together, recently appeared with their brood for the first time to honor Reynolds, 40, and his new star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


And now they've revealed the name of their second daughter, who was born this past September, exclusively to Us Weekly: Ines.

Ines (typically pronounced ee-nezh or ih-ness) means "pure or virginal," and is said to derive from the name Agnes, which itself comes form the Grek name Ἁγνὴ hagnē, meaning "pure" or "holy."

It seems like a beautiful name to have chosen, and we're relieved Lively didn't allow Reynolds to name their newest addition "Excalibur Anaconda," like he joked doing to CTV.


The couple is no stranger to unique names - their 2-year-old daughter is named James, and she was also at the Walk of Fame ceremony. She sat with her mom Lively, 29, and even got up on stage with her dad later on.


"I want to thank my wife, Blake, who is sitting right there, who is everything to me," Reynolds said, according to People.

"You are the best thing, the best thing that has ever happened to me - second only to this star," he joked. "You make everything better, absolutely everything in my life better. You've made me the father of my dreams when I thought I only had fun uncle potential."


Lively bounced back quickly after the birth of Ines, attending her best friend's wedding days after the delivery.

And while the actress has been open about getting in shape for her movie "The Shallows" with an intense exercise regimen and by cutting out gluten and soy from her diet, she has also been vocal about the unfair expectations placed on women's bodies after giving birth.


"I think a woman's body after having a baby is pretty amazing. You don't need to be Victoria's Secret ready right away, because you just did the most incredible miracle that life has to offer. You gave birth to a human being. So I would really like to see that celebrated," the actress told Sunrise in Australia.

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